Configure Apache Kafka® with topics and an HTTP sink connector using Terraform

Use an HTTP sink connector to feed data into Apache Kafka® and deploy it using Terraform. A part of Aiven's Terraform Cookbook.

This article shows the Terraform configuration for setting up an Aiven for Apache Kafka® service, configuring a topic, and adding a Kafka Connector to send the data from the topic over HTTP using the [HTTP sink connector]. This is a great way to use webhooks or HTTP requests as a generic connector to send the data to
another platform.

The setup needs the Aiven for Apache Kafka service and the Kafka Connect
service, plus a service integration to connect the two. The overall setup looks something like the diagram below:

The Aiven for Apache Kafka and Kafka Connect services are connected with a service integration. The Kafka Connect service has the HTTP sink configured and this connects the topic to the HTTP destination. The HTTP destination is an external location defined by http.url in the HTTP sink connector

Define the setup

Be sure to check out the getting started guide to
learn about the common files required to execute the following recipe. For example, you'll need to declare the variables for project_name and

Common files

Navigate to a new folder and add the following files.

Add the following to a new file:

terraform { required_providers { aiven = { source = "aiven/aiven" version = ">=4.0.0, < 5.0.0" } } } provider "aiven" { api_token = var.aiven_api_token }

You can also set the environment variable TF_VAR_aiven_api_token for the api_token property. With this, you don't need to pass the -var-file flag when executing Terraform commands.

To avoid including sensitive information in source control, the variables are defined here in the file. You can then use a *.tfvars file with the actual values so that Terraform receives the values during runtime, and exclude it.

The file defines the API token, the project name to use, and the prefix for the service name:

variable "aiven_api_token" { description = "Aiven console API token" type = string } variable "project_name" { description = "Aiven console project name" type = string }

The var-values.tfvars file holds the actual values and is passed to Terraform using the -var-file= flag.

var-values.tfvars file:


The sample Terraform file to create and connect all the services is shown below. This file uses sample data; comments are added to indicate settings that are likely to need changing to suit your use case. file:

# Kafka service resource "aiven_kafka" "project_kafka" { project = var.project_name # from and supplied at run time cloud_name = "google-europe-west1" plan = "business-4" service_name = "my-kafka-demo" kafka_user_config { kafka_version = "3.2" kafka_rest = true kafka { auto_create_topics_enable = true } } } # Kafka topic, in the cluster defined above resource "aiven_kafka_topic" "user_activity" { project = var.project_name service_name = aiven_kafka.project_kafka.service_name topic_name = "user_activity" partitions = 3 replication = 2 } # Kafka Connect service resource "aiven_kafka_connect" "data_connector" { project = var.project_name cloud_name = "google-europe-west1" plan = "business-4" service_name = "my-kafka-demo-connector" } # Integration between kafka and kafka connect resource "aiven_service_integration" "kafka_to_data_connector" { project = var.project_name integration_type = "kafka_connect" source_service_name = aiven_kafka.project_kafka.service_name destination_service_name = aiven_kafka_connect.data_connector.service_name } # Kafka connector: this one is an HTTP sink resource "aiven_kafka_connector" "kafka_webhook_sink" { project = var.project_name service_name = aiven_kafka_connect.data_connector.service_name connector_name = "my-http-sink" config = { # Which topic (or topics) should the data come from? "topics" = aiven_kafka_topic.user_activity.topic_name "connector.class" = "io.aiven.kafka.connect.http.HttpSinkConnector" "name" = "my-http-sink" # Edit where the HTTP data should be sent "http.url" = "" "http.authorization.type" = "none" "http.headers.content.type" = "application/json" "key.converter" = "" "value.converter" = "" } # Make sure that the connect service is ready before creating this depends_on = [ aiven_kafka_connect.data_connector, aiven_service_integration.kafka_to_data_connector ] }

This example creates two Aiven services: one Aiven for Apache Kafka service, and a Kafka Connect service. It adds a service integration so that the the connectors can access the data in the Kafka cluster. There is a topic defined user_activity, and this is referred to by the Kafka connector configuration as the source of the data to send over HTTP. The connector also defines where the HTTP requests should be sent to, using the http.url setting.

To avoid any race conditions in this setup, the depends_on clause makes sure that the connector will only be configured when both the Kafka Connect service and its integration to Kafka are in place.

Execute the files

The init command performs several different initialization steps in order to prepare the current working directory for use with Terraform. In our case, this command automatically finds, downloads, and installs the necessary Aiven Terraform provider plugins.

terraform init

The plan command creates an execution plan and shows you the resources that will be created (or modified) for you. This command does not actually create any resource; this is more like a preview.

terraform plan -var-file=var-values.tfvars

If you're satisfied with the output of terraform plan, go ahead and run the terraform apply command which actually does the task or creating (or modifying) your infrastructure resources.

terraform apply -var-file=var-values.tfvars

Try out this recipe by defining an HTTP endpoint where you can receive and acknowledge HTTP requests in the connector configuration. Then produce some data to the user_activity topic (any JSON data is fine), and observe that this is then sent over HTTP.

You could use this setup for relaying payloads to platforms that don't have specific connectors available. The HTTP sink connector is also an excellent tool for integrating with webhook-ready platforms like functions-as-a-service (Amazon Lambda, Cloudflare
or Zapier.

Further resources

Here are some resources with additional information, examples and documentation for working with the technologies in this recipe: