Aiven Blog

Sep 23, 2016

User management improvements and new Azure regions launched

As Microsoft Azure builds, so does Aiven. Find out what new regions are available and how we’ve improved project management for Aiven services.


Oskari Saarenmaa

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Chief Executive Officer at Aiven

In this week's updates to Aiven we've greatly enhanced project membership management as well as launched Aiven in five new Azure regions.

Project membership improvements

Project membership management improvements make it easier to share the ownership and management responsibilities of an Aiven project between multiple users in one organization.  You can now promote other team members to project administrators, allowing them to invite more members to the project and to adjust billing settings.

We've also updated project invite functionality to allow inviting users who haven't yet registered their Aiven accounts.  Such users are invited to sign up to Aiven and once they've signed up the console will display pending invitations for them.  Pending invitations are shown for all users and projects in the console.

These improvements make it easier for multiple users to start collaborating in Aiven.

New Azure regions launched

We're happy to announce immediate availability of Aiven in five new Azure regions:  All Aiven services are now available in Azure Japan West (Osaka), Japan East (Tokyo), East Asia (Hong Kong), Southeast Asia (Singapore) and Brazil South (São Paulo) regions.

Pricing updates

To reflect the cost differences between different cloud providers and regions we have adjusted pricing of new services in Amazon Web Services and Azure clouds.  Pricing in most AWS regions has been increased for new plans; the prices for current Aiven users will stay unchanged until the end of 2016

We have no plans for changing Google Cloud, DigitalOcean or UpCloud pricing in the foreseeable future.

We'd also like to remind you about Aiven's unique feature allowing seamless migrations between cloud providers, making it possible to migrate services to different clouds if needed.

Trying Aiven is free, no credit card required

Our free trial program is still open: you will receive US$10 worth of free credits at sign-up which you can use to try any of our service plans.

Go to to get started!

We value your feedback

We are always interested in ways of making our service better. Please send your feedback and suggestions via
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