Aiven Blog

Mar 26, 2020

Aiven expands Elasticsearch plan sizes and lowers costs

You can now run larger Elasticsearch workloads out of the box at lower cost. Read this post to find out more about our new plan sizes and pricing.


John Hammink

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Developer Advocate at Aiven

We are happy to announce that we’ve expanded the capacity of our standard Aiven for Elasticsearch plans while lowering the costs across the board — this means two things:

1. Our higher node count plans means that you can now handle even larger use cases without having to request custom plans. Starting from Premium-15x and up, our 15-Node plans include 5250 GB of storage while our Premium-30x-32 plan goes up to 21000 GB.

2. We’ve reduced pricing for all Premium plans, with cost reductions of up to 56%.

For complete information on the capabilities and features of our different managed Elasticsearch plan sizes, check out the Aiven for Elasticsearch plan comparison table.

Wrapping up

With these enhancements, enterprises can now manage larger Elasticsearch workloads out of the box and at lower costs. Already using Elasticsearch for Aiven and need a larger plan? Launch or upgrade to your preferred plan size via the Aiven Console, API, CLI, or Terraform.

Not an Aiven customer and would like to test one of our managed Elasticsearch plans? Sign up for a no obligation, 30-day trial and launch your first instance now. In the meantime, stay up-to-date by following our blog or changelog RSS feeds, and following us on Twitter or LinkedIn.

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