Aiven Blog

Feb 18, 2022

Introducing the Uptime Developer Conference by Aiven

Uptime Conference in Amsterdam, September 14-15, 2022. Come and meet the open source data community in-person and talk about all things data in the cloud!

Ana Vasiliuk

Ana Vasiliuk

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Community Manager at Aiven

You may have heard the news that we are hosting a developer conference this September, called Uptime. In this blog post, we’ll go over some of the frequently asked questions about the conference and its target audience. Before we jump into the details, a quick PSA: The Call for Presentations for Uptime is open, so if you already have a talk idea in mind, submit it by March 9 via the CFP form.

What is Uptime?

Uptime is the cloud data infrastructure conference with a focus on open source technologies. We intend to bring the open source data community together to share best practices and around building and operating complex systems at scale.

This is a developer conference and, as self-identified total geeks, we want to pack in as much technical content as possible. Of course, as it’s an in-person event, we’ll leave plenty of time for social interaction and stimulating conversations!

The event is happening on September 14-15 at Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam (the website is mostly in Dutch, sorry about that, unless you speak Dutch in which case you’re welcome). The venue is quite easily accessible by car and public transport, and it has hosted many technical events before us.

Who is Uptime for?

The conference is designed for developers, architects, data engineers, DevOps professionals, and anyone who is passionate about open source data. The focus is on use cases for open source tools like PostgreSQL®, Apache Kafka®, Redis™, Apache Flink®, and Grafana®, and best practices in the data engineering space and cloud infrastructure.

Here are some of the topics we plan to cover:

  • Cloud data architecture
  • Data engineering
  • Distributed systems
  • Developer tools (Observability, monitoring and alerting, SRE and performance)

Sounds interesting. How can I participate?

We have recently launched the Call for Presentations and are looking forward to receiving your compelling ideas! Our main priority is to provide the audience with the best possible learning experience, so the content is key to this event. We’re looking for your most exciting and informative talks on open source data tools, so if you have a proposal, submit it via the CFP form by March 9, 2022.

Even if you’re a first-time speaker or don’t have a specific idea in mind yet, don’t hesitate to take the leap. Don’t worry too much about whether we’ll accept your proposal - just submit it anyway and leave the rest to us. Our team is here to support you throughout the submission process, Reach out to us via - we’d be happy to help you brainstorm ideas and offer guidance.

Wrapping up

We hope this sparks your interest in attending and/or speaking at Uptime this fall. If you need more information about the event, you can always reach us via Hope to see you in September in Amsterdam!

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