Accelerate Data-Driven Innovation and Developer Productivity with Cloud-Native Data Services

Explore cloud-native app trends, the potential of open-source data tech, and simplified cloud data management:

  • Cloud-Native App Shift: Expect a 70% increase in cloud-native apps by 2024, driven by microservices, containers, orchestration, and DevOps.
  • Open Source Data Impact: Learn about Apache Kafka®, Apache Cassandra®, PostgreSQL®, MySQL, Redis®*, and Grafana®'s role in empowering innovation.
  • Simplifying Cloud Data Management: Discover the benefits of fully managed open-source data services on a unified cloud platform.

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Aiven + Google Cloud + IDC whitepaper
How to boost developer productivity and data-driven innovation

Aiven + IDC + Google Cloud

How to boost developer productivity and data-driven innovation

Created together with Aiven, Google Cloud and IDC, this video talks about cloud-native app trends, the potential of open-source data tech, and simplified cloud data management.

Insights snapshot


of EMEA organizations see a digital-first strategy as essential


of companies delayed digital transformation due to skill gaps in automation, cloud, security, and data management.


of new apps will be cloud-native by 2024


of organizations will adopt DataOps for 80% less errors, trusted analytics, efficient data work

Diagram showing key technologies to boost data resilience

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