Cluster configuration backups are available on Aiven for Apache Kafka! Find out how it can save time for your team while restoring your cluster configuration.
Are you passionate about data, storage, and data streaming systems like Apache Kafka®? Tiered Storage, a feature of Apache Kafka 3.6 which allows the offloading of data to object storage in the cloud, is the game-changer you’ve been waiting for.
Aiven experts and special guest Francois Visconte from Datadog will unpack everything you need to know about Kafka Tiered Storage.
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Get questions answered about tiered storage, challenges, Aiven solutions, and impact on developer experience with livestream host Jenn Junod, and panel moderator Francesco Tisiot.
Hear from Josep Prat, member of the Apache Kafka maintainers, who will focus on the technical underpinnings required to make tiered storage happen, and will also explore its impact on the open-source Kafka community and the developer experience
The special guest will delve into the intricacies of tiered storage, sharing their firsthand experience with implementing and testing this game-changing solution in Kafka.
Tiered Storage offers several key advantages such as enhanced data storage flexibility, improved reliability and risk mitigation and accelerated service scalability. Join the stream to learn how this will revolutionize your data streaming.
Get a look at where tiered storage is headed and what's next on the horizon.
This stream is kicking off at the beginning of Hacktoberfest. If you're looking to get into open source, this is your perfect start!
Read more about power of open source: The Stairway to Apache Kafka® Tiered Storage
Cluster configuration backups are available on Aiven for Apache Kafka! Find out how it can save time for your team while restoring your cluster configuration.
Aiven enters Google Cloud Ready - BigQuery designation and launches new Apache Flink® to BigQuery sink connector to tightly connect streaming data with BigQuery’s ecosystem
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Find out how to deploy an example Netlify app that uses Next.js, Aiven for PostgreSQL® and Aiven for Caching