of shoppers view a brand differently after a poor search experience
Today’s retail journeys are characterized by their complexity and timeliness. They combine people, technology, places, and products in different ways — with each component constantly changing.
Master the intricacies of modern retail with our ebook and become more customer-centric.
We'll cover:
When shoppers find what they want via search, they are more likely to buy
of shoppers view a brand differently after a poor search experience
avoid websites where they have had previous search difficulties
purchased the item they were searching for with a good search experience
also buy at least one other item
Streaming services like Aiven for Apache Kafka and Aiven for Apache Flink write data about each search to an analytics system.
Case study
The global ADEO home improvement conglomerate uses an Apache Kafka driven infrastructure to enable omnichannel shopping experiences.
Retail comes in many shapes and sizes – from brick and mortar stores to global eCommerce. Aiven’s flexible solutions can adapt to suit any situation and budget.
Case study
International sourcing platform for technical supplies delivers more customer value while Aiven manages its cloud data infrastructure