Get Real: Real-time data to drive real-time business

In today’s fast-paced world, capturing, processing, and acting on data is critical for businesses to stay alive. Leading businesses capture, process, and act upon massive amounts of data in real time.

Learn about event streaming, data streaming, Apache Kafka®️, Apache Flink®️, and much more.

Find out how streaming technologies play a vital role in common uses cases, including:

  • Event-driven architectures (EDA)
  • Data warehouse modernization
  • Data lake modernization
  • Streaming analytics
  • Multi-cloud strategies
  • AI/ML applications
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Self-Managed or Managed: Which is Right for You?

You can download and start using Apache Kafka®️, however, it’s likely to stretch the skills of your data teams and take much longer than anticipated to get it running.

Important considerations for your self-managed or fully-managed decision include:

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Skill set

Do you already have resources on staff that understand real-time environments and event-driven architecture?

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Time to market

Can you afford the time to go through the try-fail-learn-try-again loop vs. bringing in an experienced vendor?

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Total cost of ownership (TCO)

How do you balance growing technical skills and delayed time to market vs. proven vendor assistance?

Bringing in an experienced vendor is the way to go. Aiven can add immediate skills, shorten deployment timelines, mitigate operational burden, reduce technical risk, and lower your total cost of ownership.

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