Klaw Request topic not working

i tried the latest Klaw using docker installation, i followed all the steps, installation is complete, i could login, create user, environment, sync topic, cluster creation etc.
i am stuck at Request topic, on screen it does not populate the environments.
The drop down is empty, i have 2 environment, i can see them other places.

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Hey @seeaganesh thanks a million for reaching out and sorry I missed this yesterday!

The first thing I would check if you have all the environments set up is that the tenant config (Configured by the superadmin) is setup correctly.

See the docs here. Promotion | Klaw: Apache Kafka governance toolkit

It sounds like this field might be missing an entry “requestTopicsEnvironmentsList”: [“DEV”],
Where “DEV” in your case is the name of the enivornment you would like to be able to create the topic in as the lowest environment.

Let me know if this solves your problem.



thank you Aindriu_Lavelle, the suggested changes did work.


Great let us know if you need anymore help!

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