Feedback from a happy customer

:guitar: Aiven rocks

Because I couldn’t find a place to send your team feedback, I’m doing it here. Please delete if this is misplaced, but do share with the Aiven team. This post is entirely unsolicited.

We’ve been happy customers for a long time (~2019) at Tincre, quietly building our software and growing our business. We had some big releases recently and our product usage is increasing quickly.

:bubbles: A smooth plan upgrade

This morning, we did our first “plan upgrade” on a heavily-used production database, due to nothing other than increased usage of our firm’s software. :tada:

I don’t posses words to justify how happy we are with Aiven’s service and usability for our PostgreSQL databases. Not only did the upgrade go smoothly (effortlessly, I should say), the general reliability with our nodes has been excellent.

:rocket: Helping our firm hyper-scale

Aiven has allowed Tincre to scale without the hassle of managing databases outside of code.

Nearly effortless spin-up of new nodes has been critical to internal research and maintenance/reliability of application nodes has been critical to our development throughput.

Critical, but not annoying, email outreach has been important in allowing us to keep abreast of upgrade schedules and service usage.

:pray: Thank you

A huge thanks to the Aiven team from us over at Tincre. We couldn’t have done this without you and as we continue to grow, expect to continue leveraging your other managed database products.


WOW! :star_struck: Thank you SO much for your wonderful, kind words. We couldn’t do Aiven either without amazing customers like you, and we SO appreciate your support! <3

Please let us know if there’s anything we can help with as you continue your journey! :rocket:


This made my week, maybe month, thank you so much @thinkjrs

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I’m also happy with their customer support. I’m impressed with the speed and quality in the answers. Thanks Aiven team <3


@thinkjrs @sangdth We passed your Kudos onto a bunch of teams internally at Aiven to make sure they saw. Thank you so much! It really does make our day :smiling_face:

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