Welcome to the forum!

It’s great to have you here! Please familiarize yourself with our Code of Conduct, and find out how you can help spot and report behavior that is not in line with our community guidelines.

Browse our categories for the topics and tools you need support for, or want to learn more about:

  • Analytics (OpenSearch®, ClickHouse ®, M3)
  • Data Visualization (Grafana®, OpenSearch® Dashboards)
  • Event streaming (Apache Kafka®, Apache Flink®)
  • Data tools in our free tier - PostgreSQL®, MySQL, Redis®
  • Infra as Code / the Aiven Terraform provider

We also have a category for Meetups & Events, for our Open Source Projects (Karapace and Klaw), and for News & Announcements.

Please always feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions about, or suggestions for this forum, or if you need help finding the right place to post something.

See you around,