Recap: Real Time Data at Scale Meetup in Helsinki

On November 28th I had the pleasure to host the Real Time Data at Scale meetup organised by PingCAP at the Aiven HQ in very snowy Helsinki :snowflake:

It was a cozy evening with talks from our friends at Irori, Bolt and PingCAP.

If you missed it and would like to listed to the talks, I’ve invluded a recording link below. Here’s what you can expect:

:technologist: Mattias Jonsson from PingCAP discussed upgrading to TiDB from MySQL and MariaDB
:hammer_and_wrench: Maxim Dudin from Bolt shared his eventful experience with post-migration system optimization
:bulb: Saulo Valenzuela & Lucian Dragos, Kafka Engineers at Irori talked about key Kafka capabilities like Self Service, Disaster Recovery, Governance and Observability, as well as best practices and common pitfalls.

The talks were packed with practical learnings, so grab a tea and watch the recording.

Find the recording here:


Thanks for writing a little summary of the event, @andranuta !