Powered down the free service due to inactivity

Twice now after months of no service interruptions, my project has been powered down without any warning. If I look in the event log I see:

Powered down the free service due to inactivity

I can power the service back on from the console, but it powers down after a day if there’s no activity. I noticed that in service settings “termination protection” was disabled, so I enabled it and hoping this will keep it from being powered down again. I don’t see anything in the docs about free plan having “time” limits - in fact it expressly says the opposite:

Free plans do not have any time limitations.

Any advice or ideas why I am suddenly seeing this new activity? I need this site to be up even if there’s no activity for a day. Thanks

haha, nevermind, I just found the answer by searching “termination protection” here in this discourse: Important changes to Aiven free plans - News & Announcements - Aiven Community