Postgress free tier termination

Hi, have been using Aiven’s free tier MySQL for a while and started a new project using free tier PostrgeSQL for a NoSQL database.

On my project overview page of the new project I noticed under Maintenance that PostgreSQL 16.4 offered here has a EOL on 9 November 2028. While it is quite far away, I was hoping that Postgres would have been supported pernamently like MySQL.

Is there a reason that PostrgeSQL service here has a EOL? Looking long term, is there a way I can continue using the free tier of PostgreSQL on Aiven (upgrading to a better version?)

That is the date of the last PostgreSQL 16 scheduled release. After that point the system is likely to simply be updated to the next supported version.

It is unlikely that any particular version of MySQL will be supported forever, either.

Thanks for helping me out.