How to Connect to PostgreSQL Database from Power BI

Provided the correct host, correct database name, and the username and password. But I could not connect to the PostgreSQL database from Power BI


By the way, I’m using a Free Plan.

Hey @Ley_Franz_Yu ,

For host, can you try putting the port number at the end?


The port number is listed where you find the Connection Information


Hope that helps!

I tried adding the port. And here’s the outcome:

:face_with_monocle: this does make it a bit tricky without being able to see the full configuration.

Would you be able to provide more screenshots of the configuration?

Please make sure any passwords are blocked :slight_smile:

Hello everyone, I have the same problem, has anyone found a solution?

I used every parameters but i believe its a problem with the SSL’s remote certificate

Hi, have you added the CA certificate to the powerBI endpoint?

You can grab it out of the console

Hi, How can i add the certificate to the powerBI endpoint using the native postgreSQL connection?

How to add the CA certificate to the powerBI endpoint?