How many queries can I make to mysql database in free tier?

Dear Aiven Community,

I have a question regarding free plan.
How many queries can I make to mysql database in free tier per hour?

Best Regards,
Anuj Rajput


Hi @Anuj_Rajpoot, thank you for your question! We do not artificially limit the number of queries, so theoretically you can query to your heart’s desire.

The free plan includes
:white_check_mark: 1 dedicated VM
:white_check_mark: 2 CPU per VM
:white_check_mark: 1 GB RAM per VM
:white_check_mark: 5 GB total storage

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Thanks for your reply :blush:

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Any time! Curious what you’re building!

I have been using free tier in development for ~2 months with out any issues. Peak load hits ~100 ops/sec during heavy ingest jobs.