FAQ: Why am I still being charged for Aiven services that are powered off?

Charges for Aiven services may persist even when they’re powered off due to the presence of static IP addresses associated with your project.

  • On the Aiven platform, these static IP addresses come with an additional cost and remain linked to your project even if a service is inactive or deleted, resulting in ongoing charges. Essentially, if you’ve reserved static IP addresses for your services, they will incur fees regardless of whether the services are active or not.

  • To address this and potentially reduce expenses, you can utilize the Aiven CLI to manage your static IP addresses. This allows you to create, delete, associate, or dissociate IP addresses as needed. If you no longer require the static IP addresses, you can dissociate them from your services and subsequently delete them to stop any ongoing charges.

  • To dissociate Static IPs on your projects, please follow this help article.

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