Easy Streaming SQL with Timeplus and Aiven for Apache Kafka

Hi Aiven users, I am the Co-founder and Head of Product at Timeplus. I just posted a blog here, sharing how easy it is to explore your live data in Kafka and filter/transform/aggregate them, then send to other topics. You may do so with Apache Flink or kqlDB, but probably will take much longer time to learn and build. Jumpstart your stream processing with Timeplus and Aiven.

We might be the first streaming SQL engine in the cloud to fully support Aiven for Apache Kafka. You have the choices to upload private CA, or skip the TLS verification. Nice UI available in Timeplus Cloud and Timeplus Enterprise. You can also do so with SQL in our open source offering: GitHub - timeplus-io/proton: A streaming SQL engine, a fast and lightweight alternative to ksqlDB and Apache Flink, 🚀 powered by ClickHouse.

See them in live with our updated demo system: https://demo.timeplus.cloud

Check more screenshots in the blog. Happy to discuss more.