Creating an Aiven account

In our workshops, we normally expect to use one or more Aiven services - for instance, Aiven for PostgreSQL® or Aiven for Apache Kafka®.

Rather than explain how to sign up for an Aiven free trial in every workshop page, we’ve pulled the instructions out to this separate page.

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Go to
  2. The workshop forum page will tell you what sign up URL to follow. Once you’re there, you should see:

  1. If you’ve used Aiven before, go ahead and log in. You’re done with this step!
  2. If not, sign up through whichever method you’d like!
  3. You should receive an email asking you to validate your account
  4. Once you validate your email and log in, you’ll be asked to enter some additional information. Choose either Personal or Business, whichever applies to you, and specify the Name of your first project on Aiven.
    (Hint don’t call it kafka-python-workshop unless you’re doing the Apache Kafka® and Python workshop! And you can choose your own country)

  1. Once at your project’s Services screen, you can close your browser; we’ll do this part during the workshop
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