2023-08 Edition: What's Up With DevRel at Aiven?

:question:Who are we and what do we do?

We’re a team that helps our customers (technical ones, but that’s basically all of them with a platform like Aiven) work with Aiven more easily. We work to boost awareness of Aiven among developers, and boost awareness of developers within Aiven.

More specifically we:

  • produce (and review) technical content and videos
  • present (and help Aiven present) at tech events
  • provide community spaces at meetups and our forum
  • work closely with product teams to provide feedback
  • connect with customers and prospects
  • represent Aiven in the community and industry (appearing on podcasts, live streams, etc)

To learn more about our team, see Aiven DevRel team: enabling success in open source data tech.

:eyes: Month At-A-Glance

  • :two_hearts: Read about awesome community members we’re collaborating with in the Community Shout-Outs section.
  • :calendar: We did talks at Events including Devopsdays Chicago.
  • :earth_africa: Additionally, Meetups were held around the world in Jakarta and Singapore (and Chicago too).
  • :computer: Our team delivered tons of great Technical Content, like on using Netlify to deploy a Next.js, PostgreSQL® and Redis®* app, and much more!

:two_hearts: Customer and Community Highlights

:bulb: Community Insights

  • @OlenaKutsenko got nominated and selected as a Confluent Catalyst for 2023-24!

:mega: Community Shout-Outs

:calendar: Meetups & Events (Completed)

Each month, we host Open Source Data Infrastructure (OSDI) Meetups around the world for a developer audience, and speak at conferences, make podcast appearances, create live streams, and more!

Second OSDI Meetup in Singapore August 2 @ Google with PingCap

:earth_americas: AMER

:earth_asia: APAC

:globe_with_meridians: Global / Virtual

:calendar: Meetups & Events (Upcoming)

Here are the events you will find us at next: aiven.io/events

:earth_africa: EMEA

:earth_americas: AMER

:earth_asia: APAC

  • :india: Devopsdays Bengaluru (October 20-21, Bangalore, India): Join @Floor in Bangalore, for her session “Scaling your work in the open - Tech is only the tip of the iceberg”.

:globe_with_meridians: Global / Virtual

  • TypeScript Congress (September 21): Join @jennjunod for her talk “Lessons Learned While Learning Live”, online and from the comfort of your sofa. Also: @Floor is hosting parts of the event.

:computer: Technical Content

This section covers new technical content published on Aiven’s…

:mega: Blog: thought-leadership pieces, announcements

:wrench: Developer Center: tutorials, example code

:tv: YouTube: how-tos, conference talks, meetup recordings, livestreams

:speech_balloon: Forum: frequently asked questions, release announcements

:rocket: (General)

:ant: Apache Kafka

:elephant: PostgreSQL®

:postbox: Redis

:building_construction: Terraform

  • From the Chicago OSDI meetup, (Data) Infrastructure-as-Code with Terraform, with @dewan : a summary.