FAQ: Is there a limit on the total number of Kafka partitions in the cluster?

There’s no “real” limit, but we do not recommend going further than 4000 partitions per broker and a maximum of 200 000 partitions per cluster. The ‘4000 partitions per broker’ recommendation is applied to the replicated (and not unique) partitions, so if one has 3 broker clusters with 444 topics with 3 partitions each (1332 unique partitions) and a replication factor of 3, it will be pretty close to that limit.

Check out Aiven developer docs to get the best out of Apache Kafka®.

I’d like to point out that 4k partitions per broker recommendation is applied to the replicated (and not unique) partitions, so if one has 3 broker cluster with 444 topics with 3 partitions each (1332 unique partitions) and replication factor of 3 it will be pretty close to that limit :slight_smile:


Thanks for the suggestion @z0r1k :raised_hands:

The FAQ is updated.

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