Meet with Aiven at KubeCon Europe in Paris

Mar 20, 2024 - Mar 22, 2024

10:00 - 16:30 UTC

Paris, FR

Meet Our Solution Experts at KubeCon for personalized insights, addressing your specific data infrastructure challenges and solutions to your business's needs.

  • Versatile Platform: 11 services, one platform, across all major clouds.
  • Custom Fit: Solutions designed for scalability, reliability, and simplicity.
  • Freedom & Savings: BYOC for cost-effective, compliant management.
  • Open Source Commitment: Fully open-source services for future-proofing your data.
  • Support Girls Who Code: €3 donation for every booth visit. Book your meeting to transform your data and support a great cause.
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Sessions featuring Aiven

Hear from industry experts on various open-source topics

  • Wed Mar 20, 12:10 - 12:45 CET

    Pavilion 7 | Level 7.3 | N03

    Distributed Tracing with Jaeger and OpenTelemetry

    In this session, we will introduce the Jaeger project, explain distributed tracing concepts, and the value it brings compared to other telemetry signals like metrics and logs. The session will continue with a live Jaeger demo after which the audience will understand the platform features. Then we’ll delve into service performance monitoring, the future of Jaeger as we move towards our next major version V2, and further integration with the OpenTelemetry project. We will finish by talking about the roadmap and how to get involved with the project including our expanding LFX mentorship program.

    Jonah Kowall portrait
    Jonah Kowall

    VP of Product Management, Aiven

     Pavol Loffay portrait
    Pavol Loffay

    Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat

  • Fri Mar 22, 14:00 - 14:35C CET

    Pavilion 7 | Level 7.3 | N04

    From UI to Storage: Unraveling the Magic of Thanos Query Processing

    Thanos is a popular open-source, highly available Prometheus setup with long-term storage capabilities. It is designed as a system of microservices that communicate over gRPC. Users trust Thanos with deployments that manage billions of series and years of retention in globe-spanning clusters. But how does it manage to answer PromQL queries using data from disparate highly distributed sources? In this talk, Thanos maintainers, Giedrius and Michael will answer that question by providing a brief walkthrough of PromQL evaluation from the time that a query is submitted to the UI, to how the data is gathered from different nodes, and how it is used by the new, more efficient, PromQL Engine to produce a result. Throughout this walkthrough, the audience will learn how Thanos works and how to effectively configure and deploy Thanos on your Kubernetes cluster and beyond. Join us, ask questions, and connect with the Thanos community!

    Michael Hoffman portrait
    Michael Hoffman

    Senior Site Reliability Engineer, Aiven

    Giedrius Statkevičius portrait
    Giedrius Statkevičius

    Site Reliability Engineer, Vinted

  • TBA

    Google Cloud | Booth E2

    Simplify your data infrastructure with Aiven on Google Cloud

    Just as GKE is the perfect tool to manage Kubernetes clusters, Aiven is a great way to manage your open-source data infrastructure on one easy-to-use trusted platform. With Aiven, you can create a fully-featured, managed data infrastructure in under 10 minutes. Stream your data from heterogeneous sources through our managed Aiven for Kafka, enriching it with Aiven for Flink and seamlessly push it to your analytics layer. All the while monitoring logs and metrics with our automatic observability integration. For your real-time analytics needs, cost optimization or even for your AI adoption, you have One platform for streaming, storing and analyzing data on the cloud.

    Olivier Huber portrait
    Olivier Huber

    Senior Partner Solution Architect, Aiven