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Integrate Aiven for Apache Flink® with Google BigQuery

Connect Aiven for Apache Flink® with Google BigQuery as a sink using the Aiven client or the Aiven Console.

Aiven for Apache Flink® is a fully managed service that provides distributed stateful stream processing capabilities. Google BigQuery is a cost-effective cloud-based data warehouse that can handle large amounts of data without servers. By connecting Aiven for Apache Flink® with Google BigQuery, you can stream data from Aiven for Apache Flink® to Google BigQuery, where it can be stored and analyzed. Aiven for Apache Flink® uses BigQuery Connector for Apache Flink as a connector to connect to Google BigQuery.


  • Aiven for Apache Flink service
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account
  • Necessary permissions to create resources and manage integrations in GCP
  • Google Project ID: You have a Google Project ID. For more information, see Google Cloud documentation.
  • Google Cloud Service Account Credentials: You have Google Cloud service account credentials in JSON format to authenticate with the Google Cloud Platform. For instructions on how to create and get service account credentials, see Google Cloud's documentation.
  • Service account permissions: Your service account is granted the necessary permissions to create log entries. For information on access control with IAM, see Google Cloud's access control documentation.

Configure integration using Aiven CLI

To configure integration using Aiven CLI, follow these steps:

You can use an existing Aiven for Apache Flink service. To get a list of all your existing Flink services, use:

avn service list --project <project_name> --service-type flink

Alternatively, to create an Aiven for Apache Flink service, you can use:

avn service create -t flink -p <project-name> --cloud <cloud-name> <flink-service-name>


  • -t flink: The type of service to create, which is Aiven for Apache Flink.
  • -p <project-name>: The name of the Aiven project where the service should be created.
  • cloud <cloud-name>: The name of the cloud provider on which the service should be created.
  • <flink-service-name>: The name of the new Aiven for Apache Flink service to be created. This name must be unique within the specified project.

Step 2: Configure GCP for a Google BigQuery sink connector

To be able to sink data from Aiven for Apache Flink to Google BigQuery, go the GCP console to configure GCP for a Google BigQuery sink connector:

Step 3: Create an external Google BigQuery endpoint

To integrate Google BigQuery with Aiven for Apache Flink, create an external BigQuery endpoint. You can use the avn service integration-endpoint-create command with the required parameters. This command will create a integration endpoint that can be used to connect to a BigQuery service.

avn service integration-endpoint-create \
--project <project_name> \
--endpoint-name <endpoint_name> \
--endpoint-type external_bigquery \
--user-config-json '{
"project_id": "<gcp_project_id>",
"service_account_credentials": {
"auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
"auth_uri": "",
"client_email": "<service_account_email>",
"client_id": "<client_id>",
"client_x509_cert_url": "<client_x509_cert_url>",
"private_key": "<private_key_content>",
"private_key_id": "<private_key_id>",
"project_id": "<service_account_project_id>",
"token_uri": "",
"type": "service_account"


  • --project: Specify the name of the project where to create the integration endpoint.
  • --endpoint-name: Set the name of the integration endpoint you are creating. Replace your_endpoint_name with your desired endpoint name.
  • --endpoint-type: Specify the type of integration endpoint. For example, if it's an external BigQuery service, enter external_bigquery.
  • --user-config-json: This parameter allows you to provide a JSON object with custom configurations for the integration endpoint. The JSON object should include the following fields:
    • project_id: Your actual Google Cloud Platform project ID.
    • service_account_credentials: An object that holds the necessary credentials for authenticating and accessing the external Google BigQuery service. This object should include the following fields:
      • auth_provider_x509_cert_url: The URL where the authentication provider'sx509 certificate can be fetched.
      • auth_ur: The URI used for authenticating requests.
      • client_email: The email address associated with the service account.
      • client_id: The client ID associated with the service account.
      • client_x509_cert_url: The URL to fetch the public x509 certificate for the service account.
      • private_key: The private key content associated with the service account.
      • private_key_id: The ID of the private key associated with the service account.
      • project_id: The project ID associated with the service account.
      • token_uri: The URI used to obtain an access token.
      • type: The type of service account, which is typically set to "service_account".

Aiven CLI Example: Creating an external BigQuery integration endpoint

avn service integration-endpoint-create --project aiven-test --endpoint-name my-bigquery-endpoint
--endpoint-type external_bigquery
--user-config-json '{
"project_id": "my-bigquery-project",
"service_account_credentials": {
"auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
"auth_uri": "",
"client_email": "",
"client_id": "284765298137902130451",
"client_x509_cert_url": "",
"private_key": "ADD_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH",
"private_key_id": "ADD_PRIVE_KEY_ID_PATH",
"project_id": "my-bigquery-project",
"token_uri": "",
"type": "service_account"

Step 4: Create an integration for Google BigQuery

Now, create an integration between your Aiven for Apache Flink service and your BigQuery endpoint:

avn service integration-create
--source-endpoint-id <source-endpoint-id>
--dest-service <flink-service-name>
-t flink_external_bigquery

For example,

avn service integration-create
--source-endpoint-id eb870a84-b91c-4fd7-bbbc-3ede5fafb9a2
--dest-service flink-1
-t flink_external_bigquery


  • --source-endpoint-id: The ID of the integration endpoint you want to use as the source. In this case, it is the ID of the external Google BigQuery integration endpoint. In this example, the ID is eb870a84-b91c-4fd7-bbbc-3ede5fafb9a2.
  • --dest-service: The name of the Aiven for Apache Flink service to integrate with the external BigQuery endpoint. In this example, the service name is flink-1.
  • -t: The type of integration to create. In this case, the flink_external_bigquery integration type is used to integrate Aiven for Apache Flink with an external BigQuery endpoint.

Step 5: Verify integration with service

After creating the integration between Aiven for Apache Flink and and Google BigQuery, the next step is to verify that the integration has been created successfully and create Aiven for Apache Flink applications that use the integration.

To verify that the integration has been created successfully, run:

avn service integration-list --project <project-name> <flink-service-name>

For example:

avn service integration-list --project systest-project flink-1


  • --project: The name of the Aiven project that contains the Aiven service to list integrations for. In this example, the project name is systest-project.
  • flink-1: The name of the Aiven service to list integrations for. In this example, the service name is flink-1, which is an Aiven for Apache Flink service.

To create Aiven for Apache Flink applications, obtain the integration_id of the Aiven for Apache Flink service from the integration list.

With the integration ID obtained from the previous step, you can now create an application that uses the integration. For information on how to create Aiven for Apache Flink applications, see avn service flink create-application.

Following is an example of a Google BigQuery SINK table:

CREATE TABLE `table1` (
`name` STRING
'connector' = 'bigquery',
'Service-account' = '',
'project-id'= '',
'dataset' = 'bqdataset',
'table' = 'bqtable',
'table-create-if-not-exists' = 'true',

If the integration is successfully created, the service credentials and project id will be automatically populated in the Sink (if you have left them back as shown in the example above).

Configure integration using Aiven Console

If you're using Google BigQuery for your data storage and analysis, you can seamlessly integrate it as a sink for Aiven for Apache Flink streams. To achieve this via the Aiven Console, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Aiven Console and choose your project.
  2. From the Services page, you can either create an Aiven for Apache Flink service or select an existing service.
  3. Next, configure Google BigQuery service integration endpoint:
    • Go to the Projects page where all the services are listed.
    • From the left sidebar, select Integration endpoints.
    • Select Google Cloud BigQuery from the list, and select Add new endpoint or Create new.
    • Enter the following details to set up the integration:
      • Endpoint name: Enter a name for the integration endpoint. For example, Aiven_BigQuery_Integration.

      • GCP Project ID: The identifier associated with your Google Cloud Project where BigQuery is set up. For example, my-gcp-project-12345.

      • Google Service Account Credentials: The JSON formatted credentials obtained from your Google Cloud Console for service account authentication. For example:

        "type": "service_account",
        "project_id": "my-gcp-project-12345",
        "private_key_id": "abcd1234",
      • Select Create.

  4. Select Services and access the Aiven for Apache Flink service where you plan to integrate the Google BigQuery endpoint.
  5. If you're integrating with Aiven for Apache Flink for the first time, select Create data pipeline on the Overview page. Alternatively, you can add a new integration in the Data Flow section by using .
  6. On the Data Service integrations page, select Create external integration endpoint.
  7. Select the checkbox next to BigQuery, and choose the BigQuery endpoint from the list to integrate.
  8. Select Integrate.

Once you have completed these steps, the integration will be ready. You can now start creating Aiven for Apache Flink applications that use Google BigQuery as a sink.