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avn service integration

A full list of commands for avn service integration.

Manage Aiven internal and external integrations

avn service integration-create

Creates a new service integration.

--integration-typeThe integration type
--source-serviceThe integration source service
--dest-serviceThe integration destination service
--source-endpoint-idThe integration source endpoint ID
--dest-endpoint-idThe integration destination endpoint ID
--user-config-jsonThe integration parameters as JSON string or path to file preceded by @
-c KEY=VALUEThe custom configuration settings.

Endpoint IDs are used when creating an integration with external services. To get an integration endpoint ID use the dedicated endpoint list command.


Both the --user-config-json and -c flags provide a way to customise the service integration using different methods. Only one of the flags are allowed per command. When using both in the same command, an error is shown:

ERROR   command failed: UserError: -c (user config) and --user-config-json parameters
cannot be used at the same time

Example: Create a kafka_logs service integration to send the logs of the service named demo-pg to an Aiven for Kafka service named demo-kafka in the topic test_log.

avn service integration-create            \
--integration-type kafka_logs \
--source-service demo-pg \
--dest-service demo-kafka \
-c 'kafka_topic=test_log'

avn service integration-delete

Deletes a service integration.

integration-idThe ID of the integration to delete

Example: Delete the integration with id 8e752fa9-a0c1-4332-892b-f1757390d53f.

avn service integration-delete 8e752fa9-a0c1-4332-892b-f1757390d53f

avn service integration-endpoint-create

Creates an external service integration endpoint.

--endpoint-nameThe name of the endpoint
--endpoint-typeThe endpoint type
--user-config-jsonThe endpoint configuration in JSON format or as path to a file preceded by @
-c KEY=VALUEThe custom configuration settings.

Example: Create an external Apache Kafka® endpoint named demo-ext-kafka.

avn service integration-endpoint-create --endpoint-name demo-ext-kafka \
--endpoint-type external_kafka \
--user-config-json '{"bootstrap_servers":"servertest:123","security_protocol":"PLAINTEXT"}'

For more examples of creating external Apache Kafka® endpoints, see Integrate Aiven for Apache Flink® with Apache Kafka®.

Example: Create an external Loggly endpoint named Loggly-ext.

avn service integration-endpoint-create         \
--endpoint-name Loggly-ext \
-d loggly -t rsyslog \
-c \
-c port=6514 \
-c format=rfc5424 \
-c tls=true \
-c sd='TOKEN@NNNNN TAG="tag-of-your-choice"' \
-c ca='loggly-tls-cert'

avn service integration-endpoint-delete

Deletes a service integration endpoint.

endpoint-idThe ID of the endpoint to delete

Example: Delete the endpoint with ID 97590813-4a58-4c0c-91fd-eef0f074873b.

avn service integration-endpoint-delete 97590813-4a58-4c0c-91fd-eef0f074873b

avn service integration-endpoint-list

Lists all service integration endpoints available in a selected project.

Example: Lists all service integration endpoints available in the selected project.

avn service integration-endpoint-list

An example of avn service integration-endpoint-list output:

ENDPOINT_ID                           ENDPOINT_NAME     ENDPOINT_TYPE
==================================== ================ ==============
97590813-4a58-4c0c-91fd-eef0f074873b datadog instance datadog
821e0144-1503-42db-aa9f-b4aa34c4af6b demo-ext-kafka external_kafka

avn service integration-endpoint-types-list

Lists all available integration endpoint types for given project.

Example: Lists all service integration endpoint types available in the selected project.

avn service integration-endpoint-types-list

An example of avn service integration-endpoint-types-list output:

TITLE                                        ENDPOINT_TYPE                    SERVICE_TYPES
=========================================== =============================== =====================================================================================================================================================================================================================
Send service metrics to Datadog datadog cassandra, elasticsearch, kafka, kafka_connect, kafka_mirrormaker, mysql, pg, redis
Send service logs to AWS CloudWatch external_aws_cloudwatch_logs alerta, alertmanager, cassandra, clickhouse, elasticsearch, flink, grafana, kafka, kafka_connect, kafka_mirrormaker, m3aggregator, m3coordinator, m3db, mysql, opensearch, pg, redis, sw
Send service metrics to AWS CloudWatch external_aws_cloudwatch_metrics cassandra, elasticsearch, kafka, kafka_connect, kafka_mirrormaker, mysql, pg, redis
Send service logs to external Elasticsearch external_elasticsearch_logs alerta, alertmanager, cassandra, clickhouse, elasticsearch, flink, grafana, kafka, kafka_connect, kafka_mirrormaker, m3aggregator, m3coordinator, m3db, mysql, opensearch, pg, redis, sw
Send service logs to Google Cloud Logging external_google_cloud_logging alerta, alertmanager, cassandra, clickhouse, elasticsearch, flink, grafana, kafka, kafka_connect, kafka_mirrormaker, m3aggregator, m3coordinator, m3db, mysql, opensearch, pg, redis, sw
Integrate external Kafka cluster external_kafka alerta, alertmanager, cassandra, clickhouse, elasticsearch, flink, grafana, kafka, kafka_connect, kafka_mirrormaker, kafka_mirrormaker, m3aggregator, m3coordinator, m3db, mysql, opensearch, pg, redis, sw
Integrate external Schema Registry external_schema_registry kafka
Access JMX metrics via Jolokia jolokia kafka, kafka_connect, kafka_mirrormaker
Send service metrics to Prometheus prometheus cassandra, elasticsearch, kafka, kafka_connect, kafka_mirrormaker, mysql, pg, redis
Send service logs to remote syslog rsyslog alerta, alertmanager, cassandra, clickhouse, elasticsearch, flink, grafana, kafka, kafka_connect, kafka_mirrormaker, m3aggregator, m3coordinator, m3db, mysql, opensearch, pg, redis, sw
Send service metrics to SignalFX signalfx kafka

avn service integration-endpoint-update

Updates a service integration endpoint.

endpoint-idThe ID of the endpoint
--user-config-jsonThe endpoint configuration in JSON format or as path to a file preceded by @
-c KEY=VALUEThe custom configuration settings.

Example: Update an external Apache Kafka® endpoint with id 821e0144-1503-42db-aa9f-b4aa34c4af6b.

avn service integration-endpoint-update 821e0144-1503-42db-aa9f-b4aa34c4af6b \
--user-config-json '{"bootstrap_servers":"servertestABC:123","security_protocol":"PLAINTEXT"}'

avn service integration-list

Lists the integrations defined for a selected service.

service_nameThe name of the service

Example: List all integrations for the service named demo-pg.

avn service integration-list demo-pg

An example of account service integration-list output:

==================================== ============ ========== ================ ======= ====== ============================================================
0e431dab-175a-4029-b417-d74a6437af1a demo-grafana demo-pg dashboard true true Provide a datasource for Grafana service
(integration not enabled) demo-grafana demo-pg datasource false false Provide a datasource for Grafana service (without dashboard)
(integration not enabled) demo-kafka demo-pg metrics false false Receive service metrics from service
8e752fa9-a0c1-4332-892b-f1757390d53f demo-pg demo-kafka kafka_logs true true Send logs to Kafka
(integration not enabled) demo-pg demo-pg metrics false false Send service metrics to M3 or PostgreSQL service

avn service integration-types-list

Lists all available integration types for given project.

Example: List all integration types for the currently selected project.

avn service integration-types-list

An example of account service integration-types-list output:

INTEGRATION_TYPE                 DEST_DESCRIPTION                                                      DEST_SERVICE_TYPE                SOURCE_DESCRIPTION                                          SOURCE_SERVICE_TYPES
=============================== ==================================================================== =============================== ========================================================== ==================================================================================================================================================================================================
alertmanager Runs alert rules against time series databases and sends to Opsgenie alertmanager Provide a datasource for Alertmanager service m3coordinator
datadog Receive service metrics from service datadog Send service metrics to Datadog endpoint cassandra, elasticsearch, kafka, kafka_connect, kafka_mirrormaker, mysql, pg, redis
datasource Provide a datasource for Grafana service (without dashboard) elasticsearch Grafana datasource grafana
datasource Provide a datasource for Kafka Connect service alerta Kafka Connect datasource kafka, kafka_connect
datasource Provide a datasource for PostgreSQL service pg PostgreSQL datasource pg
datasource Provide a datasource for Elasticsearch service elasticsearch Elasticsearch datasource elasticsearch
schema_registry_proxy Proxy Schema Registry requests kafka external_schema_registry
signalfx Receive service metrics from service signalfx Send service metrics to SignalFX kafka

avn service integration-update

Updates an existing service integration.

integration_idThe ID of integration
--user-config-jsonThe integration parameters as JSON string or path to file (preceded by @)
-c KEY=VALUEThe custom configuration settings.

Example: Update the service integration with ID 8e752fa9-a0c1-4332-892b-f1757390d53f changing the Aiven for Kafka topic storing the logs to test_pg_log.

avn service integration-update 8e752fa9-a0c1-4332-892b-f1757390d53f \
-c 'kafka_topic=test_pg_log'

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