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Create a Debezium source connector from MySQL to Apache Kafka®

The MySQL Debezium source connector extracts the changes committed to the database binary log (binlog), and writes them to an Apache Kafka® topic in a standard format where they can be transformed and read by multiple consumers.


Breaking changes in Debezium 2.5

Debezium version 2.5 introduces changes to the connector's configuration and behavior. New setups default to version 2.5, while existing setups using version 1.9 remain on that version for stability.

If you are using version 1.9.7, you can upgrade to version 2.5.0 using the multi-version support without raising a support ticket. Ensure compatibility by testing version 2.5 configurations before upgrading.

For further assistance, contact Aiven support.

Schema versioning

Database table schemas can evolve over time by adding, modifying, or removing columns. The MySQL Debezium source connector keeps track of schema changes by storing them in a separate "history" topic that you can set up with dedicated history.* configuration parameters.


The MySQL Debezium source connector history.* parameters are not visible in the list of options available in the Aiven Console. However, you can insert or modify them by editing the JSON configuration in the Connector configuration section.


To configure a Debezium source connector for MySQL, you need either an Aiven for Apache Kafka service with Apache Kafka Connect enabled or a dedicated Aiven for Apache Kafka Connect cluster.

Before you begin, gather the necessary information about your source MySQL database:


You can view the full set of available parameters and configuration options in the connector's documentation.

  • MYSQL_HOST: The database hostname
  • MYSQL_PORT: The database port
  • MYSQL_USER: The database user to connect
  • MYSQL_PASSWORD: The database password for the MYSQL_USER
  • MYSQL_DATABASE_NAME: The database name
  • SSL_MODE: The SSL mode
  • MYSQL_TABLES: The list of database tables to be included in Apache Kafka. Format the list as schema_name1.table_name1,schema_name2.table_name2.
  • APACHE_KAFKA_HOST: The hostname of the Apache Kafka service, needed when storing the schema definition changes
  • APACHE_KAFKA_PORT: The port of the Apache Kafka service, needed when storing the schema definition changes
  • SCHEMA_REGISTRY_PORT: The Apache Kafka's schema registry port is only needed when using Avro as a data format
  • SCHEMA_REGISTRY_USER: The Apache Kafka's schema registry username is only needed when using Avro as a data format
  • SCHEMA_REGISTRY_PASSWORD: The Apache Kafka's schema registry user password is only needed when using Avro as a data format

When using Aiven for MySQL and Aiven for Apache Kafka, you can gather the necessary details from the service's Overview page on Aiven console or by using the avn service get command with the Aiven CLI.

Setup a MySQL Debezium source connector with Aiven Console

The following example demonstrates how to set up a Debezium source Connector for Apache Kafka to a MySQL database using the Aiven CLI dedicated command.

Define a Kafka Connect configuration file

Create a configuration file named debezium_source_mysql.json with the following connector configurations. While optional, creating this file helps you organize your settings in one place and copy/paste them into the Aiven Console later.

"name" : "mssql-source",
"connector.class" : "io.debezium.connector.sqlserver.SqlServerConnector",
"database.hostname": "MYSQL_HOST",
"database.port": "MYSQL_PORT",
"database.user": "MYSQL_USER",
"database.password": "MYSQL_PASSWORD",
"database.dbname": "MYSQL_DATABASE_NAME",
"database.names" : "dbtest",
"" : "dbserver",
"table.include.list": "MYSQL_TABLES",
"topic.prefix" : var.cdc_topic_prefix,
"" : 500,
"schema.history.internal.kafka.topic" : format("%s.history", var.cdc_topic_prefix),
"schema.history.internal.kafka.bootstrap.servers" : format("%s:%s", aiven_kafka.kafka.service_host, aiven_kafka.kafka.service_port)
"" : "SSL",
"schema.history.internal.producer.ssl.keystore.type" : "PKCS12",
"schema.history.internal.producer.ssl.keystore.location" : "/run/aiven/keys/public.keystore.p12",
"schema.history.internal.producer.ssl.keystore.password" : "password",
"schema.history.internal.producer.ssl.truststore.location" : "/run/aiven/keys/public.truststore.jks",
"schema.history.internal.producer.ssl.truststore.password" : "password",
"schema.history.internal.producer.ssl.key.password" : "password",
"" : "SSL",
"schema.history.internal.consumer.ssl.keystore.type" : "PKCS12",
"schema.history.internal.consumer.ssl.keystore.location" : "/run/aiven/keys/public.keystore.p12",
"schema.history.internal.consumer.ssl.keystore.password" : "password",
"schema.history.internal.consumer.ssl.truststore.location" : "/run/aiven/keys/public.truststore.jks",
"schema.history.internal.consumer.ssl.truststore.password" : "password",
"schema.history.internal.consumer.ssl.key.password" : "password",
"include.schema.changes" : "true"
"key.converter" : "",
"transforms" : "unwrap,createKey,extractInt",
"transforms.unwrap.type" : "io.debezium.transforms.ExtractNewRecordState",
"transforms.unwrap.drop.tombstones" : "false",
"transforms.createKey.type" : "org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.ValueToKey",
"transforms.createKey.fields" : "id",
"transforms.extractInt.type" : "org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.ExtractField$Key",
"transforms.extractInt.field" : "id",

The configuration file contains the following entries:

  • name: The connector name, replace CONNECTOR_NAME with the name you want to use for the connector.

  • MYSQL_HOST, MYSQL_PORT, MYSQL_DATABASE_NAME, SSL_MODE, MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD, MYSQL_TABLES: Source database parameters collected in the prerequisite phase.

  • The logical name of the database, which determines the prefix used for Apache Kafka topic names. The resulting topic name is a combination of the and the table name.

  • tasks.max: Maximum number of tasks to execute in parallel. By default this is 1, the connector can use at most 1 task for each source table defined. Replace NR_TASKS with the amount of parallel task based on the number of tables.

  • database.history.kafka.topic: The name of the Apache Kafka topic that contains the history of schema changes.

  • database.history.kafka.bootstrap.servers: Directs to the Aiven for Apache Kafka service that runs the connector and stores schema definition changes.

  • database.history.producer and database.history.consumer: Refers to truststores and keystores pre-created on the Aiven for Apache Kafka node to handle SSL authentication


    The values defined for each database.history.producer and database.history.consumer parameters are already set to work with the predefined truststore and keystore created in the Aiven for Apache Kafka nodes. Modifying these values is not recommended.

  • key.converter and value.converter: Defines the messages data format in the Apache Kafka topic. The io.confluent.connect.avro.AvroConverter converter pushes messages in Avro format. To store the message schemas, Aiven's Karapace schema registry is used, specified by the schema.registry.url parameter and related credentials.


    The key.converter and value.converter sections are only needed when pushing data in Avro format. Otherwise, messages default to JSON format.

    The USER_INFO is not a placeholder and does not require any parameter substitution.

Create a Kafka Connect connector with the Aiven Console

To create a Kafka Connect connector:

  1. Log in to the Aiven Console.

  2. Select the Aiven for Apache Kafka® or Aiven for Apache Kafka Connect® service to define the connector.

  3. Select Connectors from the sidebar.

  4. Select Create New Connector, which is available only for services that have Apache Kafka Connect enabled.

  5. Select the Debezium - MySQL.

  6. In the Common tab, locate the Connector configuration text box and select on Edit.

  7. Paste the connector configuration (stored in the debezium_source_mysql.json file) in the form.

  8. Select Apply.


    The Aiven Console reads through the configuration file and automatically populates the relevant UI fields. You can view and modify these fields across different tabs. Any change you make is reflected in JSON format within the Connector configuration text box.

  9. After all the settings are correctly configured, select Create connector


    With Aiven for Apache Kafka, topics are not created automatically. You have two options:

  10. Verify the connector status under the Connectors screen.

  11. Verify the presence of the data in the target Apache Kafka topic coming from the MySQL dataset. The topic name is equal to concatenation of the database and table name. To change the target table name, you can use Apache Kafka Connect RegexRouter transformation.


You can also create connectors using the Aiven CLI command.