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Bring your own cloud networking and security

Aiven combines a multi-cloud strategy with a cloud-agnostic approach to make the bring your own cloud (BYOC) experience not only versatile and cost-efficient but also secure.

Bastion proxy networking

The bastion proxy service acts as a trusted relay between the Aiven Management plane and your BYOC environment. A typical BYOC implementation results in workloads that are not directly accessible from external networks. The bastion proxy is located in a virtual private cloud (VPC) and facilitates the communication between Aiven Management and monitoring systems and your private workloads. The bastion proxy service is also responsible for facilitating a communication channel that allows the Aiven Management plane to launch services within your private cloud.

Traffic to the bastion

Aiven Management plane traffic to your BYOC environment originates from a set of redundant gateways with fixed IPs. Therefore, the bastion subnet needs to whitelist four static IPs on relevant ports.

Aiven Management planeBastion subnetAiven uses SSH from the Aiven Management plane to the bastion service node for troubleshooting, setup, or configuration tasks on the bastion.
Aiven Management planeBastion subnetProxy service is used to tunnel the traffic from the Aiven Management plane to workload nodes.
Aiven Management planeBastion subnetAiven Management plane accesses the bastion service node to retrieve status information and perform routine operations.

Traffic from the bastion

Bastion subnetAiven ManagementCommunication channel with the Aiven Management plane used to collect metrics and logs from the bastion and workload nodes
Bastion subnetAiven ManagementRequired for the bastion and workload nodes to make calls to the Aiven Management plane
Bastion subnetAWS CloudFrontUsed for downloading RPM packages for bastion nodes setup
Bastion subnetWorkload subnetAiven uses SSH from the bastion subnet to the workload subnet for troubleshooting, setup, or configuration tasks on the workload nodes.
Bastion subnetWorkload subnetAiven Management plane accesses the workload nodes via the bastion node to retrieve status information and perform routine operations.
Bastion subnetDNS & NTPDestination dependant on cloud provider

Aiven Management and CloudFront IP ranges occasionally change and are considered dynamic for firewall policies. To accommodate traffic to these destinations, an egress of is generally required.

Workload nodes networking

Management traffic to and from workload nodes is sent through the bastion proxy and encrypted. Aiven Management and API calls are always encrypted. SSH access is permitted if Aiven support staff require direct access to the bastion or workload nodes. SSH connections from support staff are logged, monitored, and require validation by Aiven's security operations team. SSH connections originate from Aiven Management plane's static IP addresses.

Traffic to the workload

On top of SSH and Aiven Management Plane connectivity, there are also ingress and egress rules from the Customer Networks that need to be defined to allow customer applications to connect to Aiven services. This depends on the cloud provider being used, and the customer's network architecture.

Bastion subnetWorkload subnetAiven uses SSH from the bastion subnet to the workload subnet for troubleshooting, setup, or configuration tasks on the workload nodes.
Bastion subnetWorkload subnetAiven Management plane accesses the workload nodes via the bastion node to retrieve status information and perform routine operations.
Your remote applicationsWorkload subnetVaries depending on services being used.

Traffic from the workload

The workload subnet nodes communicate with each other. The nature of these communications varies depending on the services, features, and plugins being used.

Workload subnetAiven ManagementCommunication channel with the Aiven Management plane used to collect metrics and logs from the bastion and workload nodes
Workload subnetAiven ManagementRequired for the bastion and workload nodes to make calls to the Aiven Management plane
Workload subnetAWS CloudFrontUsed for downloading RPM packages for workload nodes setup
Workload subnetWorkload subnetIntra-subnet communication between Aiven nodes. Ports are dynamic and dependent on services, features, and plugins used.
Workload subnetYour remote applicationsVaries depending on services being used.
Workload subnetDNS & NTPDestination dependant on cloud provider

Aiven Management and CloudFront IP ranges occasionally change and are considered dynamic for firewall policies. To accommodate traffic to these destinations, an egress of is generally required.

Security and compliance

System security

The bastion and workload nodes leverage hardened images customized to only include components required for the operation of Aiven services.

All nodes use full-disk encryption specific to the customer and service, and are rotated during maintenance events. Encryption keys are stored securely in an Aiven proprietary KMS, and only specific and approved operators have access to this system. All access is logged and monitored.

If required for troubleshooting or incident investigation, SSH connections to the nodes can only be performed by specific and approved operators, and can only originate from specific Aiven gateway IPs. All access is logged and monitored, and Aiven's security team follows up on access to ensure approval and validity. Aiven base system images are routinely updated and patched. During maintenance events, service nodes, including the bastion service, are replaced with updated images.

Independent audits

The BYOC deployment model is subject to external audits and falls within scope of Aiven's routine obligations.

For more information on Aiven security and compliance, see Aiven Security.

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