What data-related challenges are keeping you up at night? 👀

I’m curious to hear from folks in our community on this general topic.

Are your challenges:

  • Technology related? For example, you’re stuck shepherding a legacy platform and keeping its lights on vs. building future-proof stuff on modern tech?

  • Use case related? For example, your boss attended a webinar on “AI” and now you need to “add that” to your application? :grimacing:

  • People related? For example, asking your client for the 417th time to get you the data you need to get that migration done? :wink:

  • Scale related? Your product suddenly took off like gangbusters (great!) but NOW you need to suddenly figure out how to deal with 10x more requests coming in.

  • Other? :slight_smile:

Thanks for any input! It helps us to write better content and find more compelling speakers to have a better idea of how we can help you!

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For myself, I think the biggest struggle I have is the sheer order of magnitude of data… things… out there, and how they all fit together, and why you would use X over Y for whatever use case.

I come from a web background, where the use of data was pretty straight-forward: shove stuff into a database, read it back out. :wink: But there’s a whole WORLD of tech around this space for dealing with storing data (in bigger and smaller amounts), analyzing and visualizing data, dealing with real-time data, storing data long-term/cheaper, and ultimately somehow helping people make good decisions based on more information than anyone could reasonably comprehend, let alone consume.