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avn user

Full list of commands for avn user.

Create and manage users and sessions

Commands for managing project users and avn client sessions.

avn user access-token

Set of commands for managing a user's tokens. See detailed command information for more information.

avn user create

Creates a new user.

emailThe email associated to the user
--real-nameThe user's real name

Example: Create a user.

avn user create

Example: Create a user specifying the real name.

avn user create --real-name "John Doe"

avn user info

Retrieves the current user information such as:

  • Username
  • Real name
  • State (active or inactive)
  • Token validity start date
  • Associated projects
  • Authentication method

Example: Retrieve the information for the currently logged user.

avn user info

An example of user information:

USER                  REAL_NAME  STATE   TOKEN_VALIDITY_BEGIN              PROJECTS                       AUTH
==================== ========= ====== ================================ ============================= ======== John Doe active 2021-08-18T09:24:10.298796+00:00 dev-sandbox, prod-environment password

avn user login

Logs the user in.

emailThe email associated to the user
--tokenLogs in the user with a pre-created token

Example: Log the user in, and prompt for password.

avn user login

The user will be prompted to insert the password.

Example: Log the user in, using a personal token.

avn user login --token

The user will be prompted to insert the personal token.

avn user logout

Logs the user out.

Example: Log the user out.

avn user logout

avn user tokens-expire

Expires all the tokens associated with the user expired.


avn user tokens-expire

See more access-token related commands