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avn service topic

Full list of commands for avn service topic.

Manage Aiven for Apache Kafka® topics

avn service topic-create

Creates a new Kafka topic on the specified Aiven for Apache Kafka service.

service_nameThe name of the service
topicThe name of the topic
--partitionsThe number of topic partitions
--replicationThe topic replication factor
--min-insync-replicasThe minimum required nodes In Sync Replicas (ISR) for the topic/partition (default: 1)
--retentionThe retention period in hours (default: unlimited)
--retention-bytesThe retention limit in bytes (default: unlimited)
--cleanup-policyThe topic cleanup policy; can be either delete or compact.
--tag KEY[=VALUE]Topic tagging

Example: Create a topic named invoices in the demo-kafka service with:

  • 3 partitions
  • 2 as replication factor
  • 2 hours of retention time
  • BU=FINANCE tag
avn service topic-create demo-kafka invoices  \
--partitions 3 \
--replication 2 \
--retention 2 \

avn service topic-delete

Deletes a Kafka topic on the specified Aiven for Apache Kafka service.

service_nameThe name of the service
topicThe name of the topic

Example: Delete the topic named invoices in the demo-kafka service.

avn service topic-delete demo-kafka invoices

avn service topic-get

Retrieves Kafka topic on the specified Aiven for Apache Kafka service.

service_nameThe name of the service
topicThe name of the topic

Example: Retrieve the information about a topic named invoices in the demo-kafka service.

avn service topic-get demo-kafka invoices

An example of avn service topic-get output:

========= === ==== =============== ============= ======
0 2 0 0 0 0
1 2 null 0 0 0
2 2 0 0 0 0

(No consumer groups)

avn service topic-list

Lists Kafka topics on the specified Aiven for Apache Kafka service together with the following information:

  • partitions
  • replication
  • min in-sync replicas
  • retention bytes
  • retention hours
  • cleanup policy
  • tags
service_nameThe name of the service

Example: Retrieve list of topics available in the demo-kafka service.

avn service topic-list demo-kafka

An example of avn service topic-get output:

========== ========== =========== =================== =============== =============== ============== ==========
bills 3 2 1 -1 unlimited delete
invoices 3 2 1 -1 168 delete BU=FINANCE
orders 2 3 1 -1 unlimited delete

avn service topic-update

Updates a Kafka topic on the specified Aiven for Apache Kafka service.

service_nameThe name of the service
topicThe name of the topic
--partitionsThe number of topic partitions
--replicationThe topic replication factor
--min-insync-replicasThe minimum required nodes In Sync Replicas (ISR) for the topic/partition (default: 1)
--retentionThe retention period in hours (default: unlimited)
--retention-bytesThe retention limit in bytes (default: unlimited)
--cleanup-policyThe topic cleanup policy; can be either delete or compact.
--tag KEY[=VALUE]Topic tagging
--untag KEYTopic tag to remove

Example: Update the topic named invoices in the demo-kafka service. Set 4 partitions and 3 as replication factor. Remove the BU tag and add a new CC=FINANCE_DE tag.

avn service topic-update demo-kafka invoices  \
--partitions 4 \
--replication 3 \
--untag BU