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avn service schema-registry-acl

Full list of commands for avn service schema-registry-acl.

Manage Karapace schema registry access control lists for Apache Kafka®

Using the following commands you can manage Karapace schema registry authorization for your Aiven for Apache Kafka® service via the avn commands.

avn service schema-registry-acl-add

You can add a Karapace schema registry ACL entry by using the command:

avn service schema-registry-acl-add


service_nameThe name of the service
--permissionThe permission type:
  • schema_registry_read
  • schema_registry_write
--resourceThe resource format can be Config: or Subject:<subject>. For more information, see ACLs definition.
--usernameThe name of a service user


The following example shows you how to add an ACL entry to grant a user (user_1) read options (schema_registry_read) to subject s1. Replace the placeholders PROJECT_NAME and APACHE_KAFKA_SERVICE_NAME with the name of the project and the Aiven for Apache Kafka® service.

avn service schema-registry-acl-add kafka-doc \
--username 'user_1' \
--permission schema_registry_read \
--resource 'Subject:s1'

You cannot edit a Karapace schema registry ACL entry. Create a new entry and delete the older entry.

avn service schema-registry-acl-delete

You can delete a Karapace schema registry ACL entry using the command:

avn service schema-registry-acl-delete


service_nameThe name of the service
acl_idThe ID of the Karapace schema registry ACL to delete


The following example deletes the Karapace schema registry ACL with ID acl3604f96c74a on the Aiven for Apache Kafka® instance named kafka-doc.

avn service schema-registry-acl-delete kafka-doc acl3604f96c74a

avn service schema-registry-acl-list

List all Karapace schema registry ACL entries defined:

avn service schema-registry-acl-list


service_nameThe name of the service


The following example lists the ACLs defined for an Aiven for Apache Kafka® service named kafka-doc.

avn service schema-registry-acl-list kafka-doc

The command output is:

ID                        USERNAME  RESOURCE         PERMISSION
======================== ======== =============== =====================
default-sr-admin-config avnadmin Config: schema_registry_write
default-sr-admin-subject avnadmin Subject:* schema_registry_write
acl12345678901 userAB* Subject:s123* schema_registry_write