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avn service acl

Full list of commands for avn service acl.

Manage Aiven ACL

The avn service acl command manages access control lists (ACLs) in Aiven for Apache Kafka®. ACLs define permissions for accessing topics and controlling user access. They support wildcard patterns (* and ?) for both topics and usernames. Supported permissions are read, write, and readwrite.

avn service acl-add

Add an Aiven for Apache Kafka® ACL entry.

service_nameName of the service
--permissionPermission type: possible values are read, write or readwrite
--topicTopic name pattern: accepts * and ? as wildcard characters
--usernameUsername pattern: accepts * and ? as wildcard characters

Example: Add an ACL for usernames ending with userA to have readwrite access to topics starting with topic2020 in service kafka-doc.

avn service acl-add kafka-doc --username *userA --permission readwrite --topic topic2020*

avn service acl-delete

Delete an Aiven for Apache Kafka® ACL entry.

service_nameName of the service
acl_idID of the ACL to delete

Example: Delete the ACL with ID acl3604f96c74a from the Aiven for Apache Kafka service kafka-doc.

avn service acl-delete kafka-doc acl3604f96c74a

avn service acl-list

List Aiven for Apache Kafka® ACL entries.

service_nameName of the service

Example: List ACLs defined for service kafka-doc.

avn service acl-list kafka-doc

Example output of avn service acl-list:

============== ======== ========= ==========
default * * admin
acl3604f96c74a Jon orders readwrite
acl3604fa706cb Frida invoices* write

For managing Kafka-native ACLs, see avn service kafka-acl.