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avn byoc

Set up and manage your custom clouds using the Aiven client and avn byoc commands.

Manage a custom cloud

avn byoc create

Creates a custom cloud in an organization.

--organization-idYesIdentifier of an organization where to create the custom cloud
--deployment-modelYesDetermines the deployment model, for example standard (the default deployment model with a private workload network)
--cloud-providerYesCloud provider to be used for running the custom cloud, for exampleaws (Amazon Web Services)
--cloud-regionYesCloud region where to create the custom cloud, for example eu-west-1
--reserved-cidrYesIP address range of the VPC to be created in your cloud account for Aiven services hosted on a custom cloud
--display-nameYesName of the custom cloud

avn byoc delete

Deletes a custom cloud from an organization.

--organization-idYesIdentifier of an organization where to delete the custom cloud
--byoc-idYesIdentifier of the custom cloud to be deleted

avn byoc list

Returns a list of all the custom clouds in an organization.

--organization-idYesIdentifier of an organization

avn byoc provision

Provisions resources for a custom cloud.

--organization-idYesIdentifier of an organization where to modify the custom cloud
--byoc-idYesIdentifier of the custom cloud to be modified
--aws-iam-role-arnYesIdentifier of the role created when running the infrastructure template in your AWS account
--google-privilege-bearing-service-account-idYesIdentifier of the service account created when running the infrastructure template in your Google account

avn byoc update

Modifies a custom cloud configuration.

--organization-idYesIdentifier of an organization where to modify the custom cloud
--byoc-idYesIdentifier of the custom cloud to be modified
--deployment-modelNoPrivate or public network architecture model defining how resources are arranged and connected to your cloud provider
--cloud-providerNoCloud provider running the custom cloud
--cloud-regionNoCloud region where the custom cloud runs
--reserved-cidrNoIP address range of the VPC in your cloud account for Aiven services created in the custom cloud
--display-nameNoName of the custom cloud

Manage custom cloud permissions

avn byoc cloud permissions add

Adds new permissions to use the custom cloud in projects or accounts (organizational units) while keeping any existing permissions in place.

--organization-idYesIdentifier of an organization where the custom cloud is located
--byoc-idYesIdentifier of the custom cloud for which to grant the new permissions
--accountNoIdentifier of your account (organizational unit) for which the new permissions are granted
--projectNoName of the project for which to grant permissions

avn byoc cloud permissions get

Retrieves permissions to a custom cloud.

--organization-idYesIdentifier of an organization where the custom cloud is located
--byoc-idYesIdentifier of the custom cloud for which to retrieve permissions details

avn byoc cloud permissions remove

Revokes permissions to a custom cloud.

--organization-idYesIdentifier of an organization where the custom cloud is located
--byoc-idYesIdentifier of the custom cloud for which to revoke permissions
--accountNoIdentifier of your account (organizational unit) for which the permissions are revoked
--projectNoName of the project for which to revoke permissions

avn byoc cloud permissions set

Replaces all permissions there may be for using the custom cloud in projects or accounts (organizational units). After you run this command successfully, there are no permissions other than the ones you've just granted using this command.

--organization-idYesIdentifier of an organization where the custom cloud is located
--byoc-idYesIdentifier of the custom cloud for which to set permissions
--accountNoIdentifier of your account (organizational unit) for which the permissions are replaced
--projectNoName of the project for which to set permissions

Manage an infrastructure template

Manage a custom cloud Terraform infrastructure template.

avn byoc template terraform get-template

Downloads a custom cloud Terraform template.

--organization-idYesIdentifier of an organization where the custom cloud is located
--byoc-idYesIdentifier of the custom cloud for which to download a Terraform template

avn byoc template terraform get-vars

Downloads a custom cloud Terraform variables file.

--organization-idYesIdentifier of an organization where the custom cloud is located
--byoc-idYesIdentifier of the custom cloud for which to download a variable file