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avn billing-group

The following is the full list of commands for managing billing groups assigned to organizations using avn billing-group. An account is the same as an organization.

avn billing-group assign-projects

Adds projects to a billing group.

idThe ID of your billing group
projectsNames of the projects to assign, separated by spaces

Example: Add the project new-project to the existing billing group with id 55b0e547-58f9-48de-8808-807d385d1f95

avn biling-group assign-projects 55b0e547-58f9-48de-8808-807d385d1f95 new-project

avn billing-group create and avn billing-group update

Creates a new billing group with create or amends a billing group with update.

name (required for create)Note: This is a positional argument, not a switch
ID (required for update)Note: This is a positional argument, not a switch
--account-idThe ID of the organization or unit to create the billing group in
--card-idThe card ID (see avn card)
--vat-idVAT ID for this billing group
--billing-currencyThe currency to bill in: AUD, CAD, CHF, DKK, EUR, GBP, JPY, NOK, NZD, SEK, SGD, or USD
--billing-extra-textInformation to include in an invoice (for example, a cost center number)
--billing-emailEmail for the billing contact
--companyCompany name
--address-lineFirst line of address
--country-codeCode for the billing country
--stateState / Province
--zip-codeZIP / Post Code

Example: Create a billing group named qa-dept in the organization that has the account ID c59dde4j9 and give it the following properties:

  • currency: EUR
  • e-mail address:
  • company name: testers
  • address: 1 No Way
  • country code: SE
  • city: Stockholm
avn billing-group create qa-dept        \
--account-id c59dde4j9 \
--billing-currency EUR \
--billing-email \
--company testers \
--address-line "1 No Way" \
--country-code SE \
--city Stockholm

Example: Rename your qa-dept billing group with ID 55b0e547-58f9-48de-8808-807d385d1f95 to qa-department.

avn billing-group update               \
55b0e547-58f9-48de-8808-807d385d1f95 \
--name qa-department

avn billing-group credits-claim

Claims a credit code within your biling-group.

idThe billing group ID
codeCredit Code

Example: Claim the credit code sneaky-crab in the billing group with ID 55b0e547-58f9-48de-8808-807d385d1f95:

avn billing-group credits-claim 55b0e547-58f9-48de-8808-807d385d1f95 sneaky-crab

avn billing-group credits-list

Lists all the credits redeemed in your billing-group

idThe ID of your billing group

Example: List credits claimed in the billing group with ID 55b0e547-58f9-48de-8808-807d385d1f95

avn billing-group credits-list 55b0e547-58f9-48de-8808-807d385d1f95

An example of avn billing-group credits-list output:

======== ===============
S18A11Y 0.00

avn billing-group delete

Deletes a billing group.

idThe billing group ID

Example: Delete the billing group with ID 55b0e547-58f9-48de-8808-807d385d1f95:

avn billing-group delete 55b0e547-58f9-48de-8808-807d385d1f95

avn billing-group events

Lists the activity for a given billing group.

idThe billing group ID

Example: List activity for the billing group with ID 55b0e547-58f9-48de-8808-807d385d1f95:

avn billing-group events 55b0e547-58f9-48de-8808-807d385d1f95

An example of avn billing-group events output:

CREATE_TIME           ACTOR             EVENT_DESC
==================== ================ ===================================================================================================================
2021-10-14T21:09:02Z Aiven Automation Set VAT ID state to invalid
2021-10-14T14:31:15Z "Set billing email address to \"[\"\"\"\"]\""
2021-10-14T14:30:46Z Set VAT ID state to unconfirmed
2021-10-14T13:08:45Z Aiven Automation Set VAT ID state to invalid
2021-10-14T08:15:09Z "Added US$\"400\" credits to the billing group"
2021-10-14T08:15:00Z Added project inzone-a-project to billing group
2021-10-14T08:15:00Z Added project inzone-b-project to billing group
2021-10-14T08:15:00Z Added project inzone-c-project to billing group
2021-10-14T08:15:00Z Added project kona-a-project to billing group
2021-10-14T08:15:00Z Added project kona-b-project to billing group
2021-10-14T08:15:00Z Added project kona-c-project to billing group
2021-10-14T08:15:00Z "Added user u2865a92fe3d (\"\") to billing group \"u856238c-8213-6592-975e-cfc3662c1084\" with type"
2021-10-14T08:15:00Z "Created billing group \"test-group\""

avn billing-group get

Gets the details for a given billing group.

idThe billing group ID

Example: Get details for the billing group with ID 55b0e547-58f9-48de-8808-807d385d1f95:

avn billing-group get 55b0e547-58f9-48de-8808-807d385d1f95

An example of avn billing-group get output:

==================================== ================== ============
u856238c-8213-6592-975e-cfc3662c1084 test-group null

avn billing-group invoice-lines

Retrieve the lines for a given invoice

idThe ID of your billing group
invoice`The number of the invoice

Example: Retrieve lines from the invoice 94885-2 for the billing group with ID 55b0e547-58f9-48de-8808-807d385d1f95:

avn billing-group invoice-lines 55b0e547-58f9-48de-8808-807d385d1f95 94885-2

avn billing-group invoice-list

Lists all invoices for a billing group:

idThe ID of your billing group

Example: List all invoices for the billing group with ID 55b0e547-58f9-48de-8808-807d385d1f95:

avn billing-group invoice-list 55b0e547-58f9-48de-8808-807d385d1f95

An example of avn billing-group invoice-list output:

============== ==================== ==================== ======== ============= ==============
xxxxx-88 2022-09-01T00:00:00Z 2022-09-30T23:59:59Z estimate 0.00 0.00

avn billing-group list

Lists your billing-groups.

Example: List all billing-groups:

avn billing-group list

An example of avn billing-group list output:

BILLING_GROUP_ID                      BILLING_GROUP_NAME                               ACCOUNT_NAME
==================================== =============================================== ======================
2a4981e1-f988-4cb8-b1a8-xxxxxxxxxxxx Default billing group for abcdddddd Account 123
3c575695-4384-4b34-b58c-yyyyyyyyyyyy Default billing group for project test-demo Account 223
51ad078a-4eef-468d-964b-zzzzzzzzzzzz Default billing group for xxxxxxxxxxx Account 123