Connect to Aiven for Valkey™
Connect to the Aiven for Valkey™ service using various programming languages. Select your preferred language from the list below for detailed setup instructions.
Connect with valkey-cli
Learn how to establish a connection to an Aiven for Valkey™ service using the valkey-cli.
Connect with Go
Establish a connection to the Aiven for Valkey™ service using Go. This example demonstrates how to connect to Aiven for Valkey from Go using the go-valkey/valkey library, designed to interact with the Valkey protocol.
Connect with NodeJS
Connect to the Aiven for Valkey™ service using NodeJS with the ioredis library.
Connect with PHP
Connect to the Aiven for Valkey™ database using PHP, making use of the predis library.
Connect with Python
Connect to the Aiven for Valkey™ service using Python with the valkey-py library. valkey-py is a Python interface specifically designed for the Valkey key-value store.
Connect with Java
Establish a connection to your Aiven for Valkey™ service using Java and the jedis library.