Extensions on Aiven for PostgreSQL®
PostgreSQL® extensions allow you to extend the functionality by adding more capabilities to your Aiven for PostgreSQL.
Some extensions:
- Have dependencies and need to be created in a predetermined order.
- Require resetting the client connection before they are fully available.
To list the extensions and their details, such as extension version numbers, run the following command in your Aiven for PostgreSQL server:
FROM pg_available_extensions;
Superuser-only and untrusted extensions listed in pg_available_extensions
cannot be
installed with a few exceptions.
To list all superuser-only and untrusted extensions, run
SELECT name, version
FROM pg_available_extension_versions
WHERE superuser AND NOT trusted -
To list superuser-only and untrusted extensions available for installation, run
FROM pg_available_extension_versions
WHERE name = ANY(string_to_array(current_setting('extwlist.extensions'), ','));
- tcn. Triggered change notifications.
- dblink. Connect to other PostgreSQL databases from within a database.
- postgres_fdw. Foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers.
Data types
- citext. Data type for case-insensitive character strings.
- cube. Data type for multidimensional cubes.
- hll. Type for storing
data.PG11 and newer
- hstore. Data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs.
- isn. Data types for international product numbering standards.
- ltree. Data type for hierarchical tree-like structures.
- seg. Data type for representing line segments or floating-point intervals.
- timescaledb. Enables scalable inserts and complex queries for time-series data.
- unit. SI units extension.
- uuid-ossp. Generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs).
Geographical features
- address_standardizer. Used to parse an address into constituent elements. Generally used to support geocoding address normalization step.
- address_standardizer_data_us.
Address standardizer
US dataset example. - earthdistance. Calculate great-circle distances on the surface of the Earth.
- h3. PostgreSQL bindings for H3, a hierarchical hexagonal geospatial indexing system.
- h3_postgis. H3 PostGIS integration.
- pgrouting. Extends the PostGIS/PostgreSQL geospatial database to provide geospatial routing and other network analysis functionality.
- postgis. PostGIS geometry and geography spatial types and functions.
- postgis_legacy. Legacy functions for PostGIS.
- postgis_raster. PostGIS raster types and functions.
- postgis_sfcgal. PostGIS SFCGAL functions.
- postgis_tiger_geocoder. PostGIS tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder.
- postgis_topology. PostGIS topology spatial types and functions.
Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI)
pgvector designed for vector similarity search for PostgreSQL.
PG13 and newer
pgvectorscale complements pgvector as a vector data extension for PostgreSQL.
PG16 and newer
PG16: pgvectorscale-0.6.0
PG17: pgvectorscale-0.6.0
Read about all pgvectorscale releases.
Procedural language
Search and text handling
- bloom. Bloom access method - signature file based index.
- btree_gin. Support for indexing common data types in GIN.
- btree_gist. Support for indexing common data types in GiST.
- dict_int. Text search dictionary template for integers.
- fuzzystrmatch. Determine similarities and distance between strings.
- pg_similarity. Support
similarity queries.
PG13 and newer
- pg_trgm. Text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams.
- pgcrypto. Cryptographic functions.
- rum. RUM index access method.
- unaccent. Text search dictionary that removes accents.
- aiven_extras. This extension is meant for use in environments where you want non-superusers to be able to use certain database features.
- bool_plperl.
Transform between
.PG13 and newer
- intagg. Integer aggregator and enumerator (obsolete).
- intarray. Functions, operators, and index support for 1-D arrays of integers.
- jsonb_plperl.
Transform between
. - lo. Large Object maintenance.
- pageinspect. Inspect the contents of database pages at a low level.
- pg_buffercache. Examine the shared buffer cache.
- pg_cron. Job scheduler for PostgreSQL.
- pg_partman. Extension to manage partitioned tables by time or ID.
- pg_prewarm.
Prewarm relation data.
PG11 and newer
- pg_prometheus.
Prometheus metrics for PostgreSQL.
PG12 and earlier
- pg_repack. Reorganize tables in PostgreSQL databases with minimal locks.
- pg_stat_statements. Track planning and execution statistics of all SQL statements executed.
- pgrowlocks. Show row-level locking information.
- pgstattuple. Show tuple-level statistics.
- sslinfo. Information about SSL certificates.
- tablefunc.
Functions that manipulate whole tables, including
. - timetravel.
Functions for implementing time travel.
PG11 and earlier
- tsm_system_rows. TABLESAMPLE method which accepts number of rows as a limit.
- tsm_system_time. TABLESAMPLE method which accepts time in milliseconds as a limit.