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Manage connection pooling

Connection pooling lets you maintain very large numbers of connections to a database while minimizing the consumption of server resources.

Connection pooling tips

You can connect directly to the PostgreSQL® server using the Service URI setting listed on the Overview page. However, this URI doesn't make use of the PgBouncer pooling. PgBouncer pools use a different port number than the regular PostgreSQL server port. The PgBouncer Service URI for a particular pool is in Aiven Console > your service's page > Connection pools. You can also view the generic PgBouncer service URI for your pools on your service's Overview page > Connection information > PgBouncer tab.

You can use both pooled and non-pooled connections at the same time.


If you have set a custom search_path for your database, this is not automatically set for your new connection pool. Remember to set it also for new connection pools when you create them.

Manage connection pools

To manage the connection pools:

  1. Log in to Aiven Console and select your Aiven for PostgreSQL service.

  2. Click Connection pools from the sidebar.

  3. In the Connection pools view, you can check the available connection pools and add or remove them.

    The settings available are as follows:

    • Pool name: Enter a name for your connection pool. This also becomes the database or dbname connection parameter for your pooled client connections. This parameter must be equal to the Database parameter.
    • Database: Choose the database to connect to. Each pool can only connect to a single database.
    • Username: Select the database username to use when connecting to the backend database.
    • Pool Mode: Select the pooling mode.
    • Pool Size: Select how many PostgreSQL server connections this pool can use at a time.

    The Pool Size parameter is NOT the maximum number of client connections of this pool.

    Each pool can handle from a minimum of 5000 client connections to a maximum defined by the lower threshold between:

    • 500 for each GB of RAM in the service plan
    • A total of 50000 client connections
  4. To view the database connection settings for a pool, click Actions > Info.

Connection pools for replicas

For all Business and Premium plans, whenever you define a connection pool, the same connection pool is created both for primary and standby servers. For standby servers, the connection pool URI is exactly the same as for the primary server, except that the host name has a replica- prefix.

For example, if the primary connection URI is as follows:


The replica connection pool URI is as follows:
