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Connect with Zapier

Zapier is an automation platform that connects your work apps and does repetitive tasks for you. This example shows how to configure PostgreSQL® as a connection in zapier.


These are the placeholders you will need to replace in the code sample:

HOSTNAMEHostname for the PostgreSQL connection, from the service overview page
PORTPort for the PostgreSQL connection, from the service overview page
DATABASEDatabase Name for the PostgreSQL connection, from the service overview page
SCHEMADefault public schema or a specific schema
USERNAMEUsername for the PostgreSQL connection
PASSWORDPassword for the above specified username

Connect to PostgreSQL

  1. In skyvia workspace > Connections > Connector > PostgreSQL.
  2. In the General Tab give the connection a name, for example MyDatabase.
  3. In the Connection tab, set:
    • Host to HOSTNAME
    • Port: to PORT
    • Database to DATABASE
    • Schema to SCHEMA
    • Username to USERNAME
    • Password to PASSWORD
  4. Click Yes, Continue.