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Connect with pgAdmin

pgAdmin is one of the most popular PostgreSQL® clients. Use it to manage and query your database.


These are the placeholders you will need to replace in the code sample:

HOSTNAMEHostname for PostgreSQL connection, from the service overview page
PORTPort for PostgreSQL connection, from the service overview page
DATABASEDatabase Name for PostgreSQL connection, from the service overview page
PASSWORDavnadmin password, from the service overview page


For this example you'll need pgAdmin already installed on your computer, for installation instructions follow the pgAdmin website

Connect to PostgreSQL

  1. Open pgAdmin and click Create New Server.

  2. In the General Tab give the connection a name, for example MyDatabase.

  3. In the Connection tab, set:

    • Host name/address to HOSTNAME
    • Port: to PORT
    • Maintenance database to DATABASE
    • Username to avnadmin
    • Password to PASSWORD
  4. In the SSL tab, set SSL mode to Require

  5. Click Save


If you experience a SSL error while connecting, add the service CA certificate as the Root certificate.

  1. Download the CA Certificate file to your computer.
  2. In the pgAdmin connection settings, click the SSL tab and select the CA certificate file you downloaded. Save the settings.

Your connection to PostgreSQL should now be opened, with a Dashboard page showing activity metrics on your PostgreSQL database.

Screenshot of a pgAdmin Dashboard window