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Set up cross-cluster replication for Aiven for OpenSearch® Limited availability

Set up cross-cluster replication (CCR) for your Aiven for OpenSearch service to synchronize data across regions and cloud providers efficiently.


Cross cluster replication is not available for the Hobbyist and Startup plans.

Steps to set up CCR

  1. Log in to the Aiven Console, and select the Aiven for OpenSearch service.

  2. On the service's Overview page, scroll to the Cross cluster replication section.

  3. Click Create follower.

  4. On the Create OpenSearch follower cluster page:

    • Enter a name for the follower service.
    • Select the cloud provider, region, and service plan.
    • Add additional disk storage if required.

    The follower service must use the same service plan as the leader service during creation to ensure sufficient memory. You can change the service plan later.

  5. Click Create.


To learn about the limitations with cross-cluster replications for Aiven for OpenSearch, see the Limitations section.

View follower services

To view the follower services configured for your Aiven for OpenSearch service:

  1. Go to the Overview page of your service.
  2. Scroll to the Cross-cluster replication section.
  3. Click a follower service name to view its details.

The Leader and Follower chips below the service names identify the service roles.

Promote a follower service to a standalone service

You can promote a follower service to standalone status to make it work independently, without replicating data from a leader service. This is helpful in disaster recovery situations where replication needs to stop, and the service must function on its own.


Promoting a follower service to standalone stops replication and deletes the replication integration. A standalone service cannot be reverted to a follower service.

  1. Log in to the Aiven Console, and select the Aiven for OpenSearch service.
  2. On the service's Overview page, scroll to the Cross-cluster replica status section.
  3. Click the follower Aiven for OpenSearch service to promote.
  4. On the follower service's Overview page, click Promote to standalone in the Cross-cluster replica status.
  5. Click Confirm to complete the promotion.

The follower service is now a standalone service and can accept writes. You can set up replication again if needed.