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Migrate data to Aiven for OpenSearch® using snapshots Limited availability

Aiven for OpenSearch lets you restore data from external OpenSearch or Elasticsearch snapshots, enabling migration from third-party repositories.

Supported cloud providers

Aiven for OpenSearch supports snapshot restoration from these providers:

  • Google Cloud Storage (GCS)
  • Amazon S3
  • Microsoft Azure
  • S3-compatible services, such as Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) or any other S3-compatible repository


Before you begin, ensure that:

  • You have an active Aiven account with a configured project.
  • A target Aiven for OpenSearch service within your project.
  • Your OpenSearch or Elasticsearch snapshot is from version 7.10.2 or earlier, or from OpenSearch 1.x/2.x, and it is not newer than the target service version.
  • Optional: Verify snapshot compatibility using the script from the Aiven examples GitHub repository.

When you create the snapshot, configure the following options:

  • restore_global_state: Set to true to restore the cluster state, which includes important metadata like aliases and templates. Default is false. If the snapshot does not include the global state, setting this option to true has no effect.

  • include_aliases: Set to true to restore aliases and their indices. Default is true.

For more details, see Reapply ISM policies after snapshot restore.

Optional: Collect data for migration validation

You can collect and compare data from the source and target services to verify the migration. This step is optional but recommended to ensure the migration was successful.

  1. Collect data from the source service: Before migration, collect data from the source service and save it in a JSON file (for example, file1.json). Use the following script from the Aiven examples GitHub repository:

    python \
    --patterns "YOUR_INDEX_PATTERNS" \
    --waitsec 30 \
    --outfile file1.json \
    --es_host https://YOUR_SOURCE_ES_HOST
  2. Collect data from the target service after migration: After migration, collect data from the target Aiven for OpenSearch service and save it in a separate JSON file (for example, file2.json) using the same script:

    python \
    --patterns "YOUR_INDEX_PATTERNS" \
    --waitsec 30 --outfile file2.json \
    --es_host https://YOUR_AIVEN_OPENSEARCH_HOST
  3. Compare data from the source and target services: Use the script from the Aiven examples GitHub repository to compare the two JSON files:

    python file1.json file2.json

Gather required parameters

Before registering the snapshot repository, collect the following details:

  • API_TOKEN: Your Aiven token.
  • PROJECT_NAME: Name of your Aiven project.
  • SERVICE_NAME: Name of your Aiven for OpenSearch service.

Information specific to cloud providers:

  • Amazon S3

    • snapshot_name: The name of the snapshot to restore.
    • base_path: The path within the S3 bucket where the snapshot data is stored
    • bucket: The S3 bucket name.
    • region: The AWS region of the S3 bucket.
    • access_key: AWS access key for accessing the S3 bucket.
    • secret_key: AWS secret key associated with the access key.
    • server_side_encryption: Optional. Enable server-side encryption for files in the S3 bucket.
    • endpoint: Optional. The endpoint for S3-compatible services if not using AWS S3 directly
    • indices: Optional. Comma-separated list of index patterns to restore specific indices.
      • If no index pattern is provided and a previous restore request was made, the index pattern from the previous request is reused.
      • If no previous restore request exists, all indices are restored by default.
      • Exclude the .opendistro_security index pattern from your snapshot restore.
    • restore_global_state: Optional. If true, restores the cluster state. Defaults to false.
    • include_aliases: Optional. Whether to restore aliases alongside their associated indices. Defaults to true.
  • Google Cloud Storage (GCS)

    • credentials: GCS credentials file content.
    • bucket: Name of the GCS bucket that contains the snapshot.
    • base_path: Path to repository data within the bucket.
    • snapshot_name: Name of the snapshot to restore.
    • compress and chunk_size: Optional. Settings for metadata compression and file chunking.
    • indices: Optional. Comma-separated list of index patterns to restore specific indices.
      • If no index pattern is provided and a previous restore request was made, the index pattern from the previous request is reused.
      • If no previous restore request exists, all indices are restored by default.
      • Exclude the .opendistro_security index pattern from your snapshot restore.
    • restore_global_state: Optional. If true, restores the cluster state. Defaults to false.
    • include_aliases: Optional. Whether to restore aliases alongside their associated indices. Defaults to true.
  • Microsoft Azure

    • account: Azure account name.
    • key or sas_token: Azure secret key or shared access signature token.
    • container: Name of the Azure container that contains the snapshot.
    • base_path: Path to repository data within the container.
    • snapshot_name: Name of the snapshot to restore.
    • compress, chunk_size, endpoint_suffix: Optional. Additional configuration settings.
    • indices: Optional. Comma-separated list of index patterns to restore specific indices.
      • If no index pattern is provided and a previous restore request was made, the index pattern from the previous request is reused.
      • If no previous restore request exists, all indices are restored by default.
      • Exclude the .opendistro_security index pattern from your snapshot restore.
    • restore_global_state: Optional. If true, restores the cluster state. Defaults to false.
    • include_aliases: Optional. Whether to restore aliases alongside their associated indices. Defaults to true.
  • S3-compatible services

    • endpoint: Service endpoint for S3-compatible services.
    • access_key: Access key for the S3-compatible services.
    • secret_key: Secret key for the S3-compatible services.
    • region: Region or endpoint-specific region.
    • bucket, base_path, snapshot_name: Bucket details and snapshot name.
    • server_side_encryption, compress, chunk_size: Optional. Settings for encryption, compression, and file chunking.
    • indices: Optional. Comma-separated list of index patterns to restore specific indices.
      • If no index pattern is provided and a previous restore request was made, the index pattern from the previous request is reused.
      • If no previous restore request exists, all indices are restored by default.
      • Exclude the .opendistro_security index pattern from your snapshot restore.
    • restore_global_state: Optional. If true, restores the cluster state. Defaults to false.
    • include_aliases: Optional. Whether to restore aliases alongside their associated indices. Defaults to true.

Configure snapshot migration settings

To start the migration, configure the user-config object in your Aiven for OpenSearch service. The migration starts automatically once these settings are applied.

Specify index patterns in the indices field of the user-config object to restore specific indices from the snapshot. For details, see the Gather required parameters section.


Aiven for OpenSearch allows only one migration at a time. After data migration completes, the backup process starts automatically. You cannot begin a new migration until the backup process finishes.

You can either wait for the backup to finish or contact Aiven Support to disable backups and start a new migration.

Amazon S3

curl --request PUT \
--url{project_name}/service/{service_name} \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{
"user_config": {
"s3_migration": {
"bucket": "my-s3-bucket",
"region": "us-west-2",
"access_key": "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY",
"secret_key": "YOUR_SECRET_KEY",
"snapshot_name": "my-snapshot",
"base_path": "snapshots",
"restore_global_state": false,
"include_aliases": true


Google Cloud Storage (GCS)

curl --request PUT \
--url{project_name}/service/{service_name} \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{
"user_config": {
"gcs_migration": {
"bucket": "my-gcs-bucket",
"snapshot_name": "my-snapshot",
"base_path": "snapshots",
"restore_global_state": false,
"include_aliases": true

Microsoft Azure

curl --request PUT \
--url{project_name}/service/{service_name} \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{
"user_config": {
"azure_migration": {
"container": "my-azure-container",
"account": "my-azure-account",
"key": "YOUR_AZURE_KEY",
"snapshot_name": "my-snapshot",
"base_path": "snapshots",
"restore_global_state": false,
"include_aliases": true

S3-Compatible Services

curl --request PUT \
--url{project_name}/service/{service_name} \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{
"user_config": {
"s3_migration": {
"bucket": "my-s3-compatible-bucket",
"region": "us-west-2",
"endpoint": "",
"access_key": "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY",
"secret_key": "YOUR_SECRET_KEY",
"snapshot_name": "my-snapshot",
"base_path": "snapshots",
"restore_global_state": false,
"include_aliases": true

The restore call’s return value may be large and contain details that are not immediately relevant. You can ignore it unless troubleshooting specific issues.

Monitor the migration

Check migration status using this API request:

curl -X GET "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN" | jq


  • PROJECT_NAME: The name of your Aiven project.
  • SERVICE_NAME: The name of your Aiven for OpenSearch service.

Use jq to format the JSON output for easier readability. If jq is not installed, follow the installation guide.

If the migration configuration exists but has not started, the status displays "status": "waiting". After an attempt, the status shows the most recent migration and includes a timestamp so you can track when it was last updated.


During the snapshot restore process, indices are temporarily closed and do not appear in the user interface. They reopen once the restore is complete.

Retry the migration

To retry the migration, use this API request:

curl -X POST "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN" \
-d '{"command": "retry"}'

Check snapshot status

To monitor the snapshot process, use this API request:

curl -X GET "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer API_TOKEN" | jq

The response shows the snapshot status and details if a snapshot is in progress:

"status": {
"in_progress": true,
"details": {
"snapshot_name": "name-of-the-snapshot",
"started": "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ",
"shards": {
"done": number-of-completed-shards,
"total": total-number-of-shards

The details section is included only if a snapshot is in progress.

Finalize the migration process

After the restoration process is complete, Aiven for OpenSearch automatically deletes the snapshot repository used during the migration to clean up resources.

Reapply ISM policies and security configurations

Reapply necessary configurations:

Verify the migration

Ensure that your data has been restored successfully by listing the indices and checking the document count for your migrated data.

If you have followed collect data for migration validation, you can compare data from both the source and target services as part of the verification process.

Script-based validation

To verify migration results, run the script from Aiven examples GitHub repository to compare indices, document counts, aliases, and ISM policies between two datasets.

python file1.json file2.json

Command-based validation

To verify indices in your Aiven for OpenSearch service, run the following command, replacing SERVICE_URL with your service's URL:

curl $SERVICE_URL/_cat/indices?v&expand_wildcards=all

To view all aliases for your indices, run:

curl $SERVICE_URL/_cat/aliases?v&expand_wildcards=all

Compare the outputs from the source and target services to ensure that document counts and aliases match after the migration.

Backup management during migration

Automatic pausing of backups: During the migration process, Aiven for OpenSearch automatically pauses regular backups to prevent any potential conflicts with the migration.

Automatic resumption of backups: After the migration is complete, Aiven for OpenSearch automatically resumes regular backup operations.

Error handling

During the migration process, you can encounter issues such as:

  • Validation errors: Ensure inputs like snapshot_name, base_path, and URLs are properly formatted.
  • Common issues: Address common errors such as missing credentials, incorrect paths, or unsupported snapshot versions.

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