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Connect to OpenSearch® cluster with NodeJS

The most convenient way to work with the cluster when using NodeJS is to rely on OpenSearch® JavaScript client. Follow its README file for installation instructions.

To connect to the cluster, you'll need service_uri, which you can find either in the service overview in the Aiven console or get through the Aiven command line interface service command. service_uri contains credentials, therefore should be treated with care.

We strongly recommend using environment variables for credential information. A good way to do this is to use dotenv. See the official docs, create .env file in the project and assign SERVICE_URI inside of this file.

Add the require line to the top of your file:


Now you can refer to the value of service_uri as process.env.SERVICE_URI in the code.

Add the following lines of code to create a client and assign process.env.SERVICE_URI to the node property. This will be sufficient to connect to the cluster, because service_uri already contains credentials. Additionally, when creating a client you can also specify ssl configuration, bearer token, CA fingerprint and other authentication details depending on protocols you use.

const { Client } = require('@opensearch-project/opensearch')

module.exports.client = new Client({
node: process.env.SERVICE_URI,

The client will perform request operations on your behalf and return the response in a consistent manner.