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OpenSearch® Dashboards

OpenSearch® Dashboards is both a visualisation tool for data in the cluster and a user interface for OpenSearch plugins. It's included with your Aiven for OpenSearch service and accessible through the browser.

  • OpenSearch Dashboards was forked in 2021 from the formerly open source project Kibana.

  • Starting with Aiven for OpenSearch® versions 1.3.13 and 2.10, OpenSearch Dashboards will remain available during a maintenance update that also consists of version updates to your Aiven for OpenSearch service.

OpenSearch Dashboards is ideal for data visualisation and monitoring. It allows building dashboards using visual tools and provides an interface to run DSL and SQL queries.

A screenshot of the OpenSearch Dashboard for flights example dataset.

OpenSearch Dashboards resources

Kibana is a trademark of Elasticsearch B.V., registered in the U.S. and in other countries.