Connect to your Aiven for MySQL® service
Discover the various ways to connect to your Aiven for MySQL® service.
Connect with the CLI
Connect to your Aiven for MySQL® service via the command line with the following tools:
Connect to Aiven for MySQL® with Python
This example connects your Python application to an Aiven for MySQL®
Connect to Aiven for MySQL® using MySQLx with Python
Enabling the MySQLx protocol support allows you to use your MySQL
Connect to Aiven for MySQL® with Java
This example connects your Java application to an Aiven for MySQL® service.
Connect to Aiven for MySQL® with PHP
This example connects to an Aiven for MySQL® service from PHP, making use of the built-in PDO module.
Connect to Aiven for MySQL® with MySQL Workbench
You can use a graphical client like MySQL Workbench to connect to Aiven for MySQL® services.
Connect with DataGrip
Use DataGrip to connect to your Aiven for MySQL® service.
Connect with DBeaver
Use DBeaver to connect to your Aiven for MySQL® service.