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Create new tables without primary keys

If your Aiven for MySQL® service was created after 2020-06-03, by default it does not allow creating new tables without primary keys.

Verify if new tables require a primary key

  1. Log in to Aiven Console.

  2. Open your MySQL service and in the sidebar, click Service settings.

  3. Scroll down to the Advanced configuration section and find the mysql.sql_require_primary_key parameter and its status.

    If mysql.sql_require_primary_key is enabled, your Aiven for MySQL does not allow you to create new tables without primary keys.

    If creating tables without primary keys is prevented and the table that you're trying to create is known to be small, you may override this setting and create the table anyway.

Read more about the MySQL replication in the Replication overview article.

Create a table without primary keys

You have two options to create the tables:

  • Setting mysql.sql_require_primary_key to 0 for the current session, programmatically:

    1. Run:

      SET SESSION sql_require_primary_key = 0;
    2. Execute the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement again in the same session.

  • Disabling the mysql.sql_require_primary_key parameter. To disable the mysql.sql_require_primary_key parameter:


    We recommend this approach when the table is created by an external application and using the session variable is not an option. To prevent more problematic tables from being unexpectedly created in the future, you should enable the setting again once you finished creating the tables without primary keys.

    1. Log in to Aiven Console.
    2. Open your MySQL service and in the sidebar, click Service settings.
    3. Scroll down to the Advanced configuration section and select Configure.
    4. Find mysql.sql_require_primary_key and disable it and click Save configuration.

Related pages

Learn how to create missing primary keys in your Aiven for MySQL.