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Connect to Aiven for MySQL® from the command line

Connect to your Aiven for MySQL® service via the command line with the following tools:

Using mysqlsh


These are the placeholders to replace in the code sample:

SERVICE_URIURL for the MySQL connection, from Aiven Console > the Overview page of your service


For this example you need the mysqlsh client installed. You can install this by following the MySQL shell installation documentation.


From a terminal window to connect to the MySQL database, run:

mysqlsh --sql SERVICE_URI

Test your setup with a query:

MySQL ssl defaultdb SQL> select 1 + 2 as three;

| three |
| 3 |
1 row in set (0.0539 sec)

Using mysql


These are the placeholders to replace in the code sample:

USER_HOSTHostname for MySQL connection
USER_PORTPort for MySQL connection
USER_PASSWORDPassword of your Aiven for MySQL connection
DB_NAMEDatabase Name of your Aiven for MySQL connection


For this example you need the mysql client installed. You can install it by following the MySQL client installation documentation.


This step requires to manually specify individual parameters. You can find those parameters in Aiven Console > the Overview page of your service.

Once you have these parameters, execute the following from a terminal window to connect to the MySQL database:

mysql --user avnadmin --password=USER_PASSWORD --host USER_HOST --port USER_PORT DB_NAME

If you are providing the password via the command line, you must pass it as shown; putting a space between the parameter name and value will cause the password to be parsed incorrectly.