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Advanced parameters for Aiven for Apache Kafka® MirrorMaker 2

See the configuration options available for Aiven for Apache Kafka® MirrorMaker 2:

  • default:,::/0

IP filter

Allow incoming connections from CIDR address block, e.g. ''



Service logging

Store logs for the service so that they are available in the HTTP API and console.



Static IP addresses

Use static public IP addresses

Kafka MirrorMaker configuration values

  • min: 30000
  • max: 1800000

Timeout for administrative tasks, e.g. detecting new topics, loading of consumer group and offsets. Defaults to 60000 milliseconds (1 minute).

Refresh topics and partitions

Whether to periodically check for new topics and partitions. Defaults to 'true'.

  • min: 1
  • max: 9223372036854776000

Frequency of topic and partitions refresh

Frequency of topic and partitions refresh in seconds. Defaults to 600 seconds (10 minutes).

Refresh consumer groups

Whether to periodically check for new consumer groups. Defaults to 'true'.

  • min: 1
  • max: 9223372036854776000

Frequency of group refresh

Frequency of consumer group refresh in seconds. Defaults to 600 seconds (10 minutes).

Sync consumer group offsets

Whether to periodically write the translated offsets of replicated consumer groups (in the source cluster) to __consumer_offsets topic in target cluster, as long as no active consumers in that group are connected to the target cluster

  • min: 1
  • max: 9223372036854776000

Frequency of consumer group offset sync

Frequency at which consumer group offsets are synced (default: 60, every minute)

Emit consumer group offset checkpoints

Whether to emit consumer group offset checkpoints to target cluster periodically (default: true)

  • min: 1
  • max: 9223372036854776000

Frequency of consumer group offset checkpoints

Frequency at which consumer group offset checkpoints are emitted (default: 60, every minute)

Sync remote topics

Whether to periodically configure remote topics to match their corresponding upstream topics.

  • min: 1
  • max: 8
  • default: 1

Maximum number of MirrorMaker tasks (of each type) per service CPU

'tasks.max' is set to this multiplied by the number of CPUs in the service.

  • max: 9223372036854776000

Maximum offset lag before it is resynced

How out-of-sync a remote partition can be before it is resynced.

Comma-separated list of consumer groups to replicate

Consumer groups to replicate. Supports comma-separated group IDs and regexes.

Comma-separated list of group IDs and regexes to exclude from replication

Exclude groups. Supports comma-separated group IDs and regexes. Excludes take precedence over includes.