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Monitor replication execution

Apache Kafka® MirrorMaker 2 uses Kafka® Connect for monitoring and state management, helping you track replication flows and address issues.

Monitoring tips

Follow these tips to ensure that replication is up-to-date with message processing:

  1. Monitor consumer lag: Use the kafka.consumer_lag metric to track replication progress and identify delays.

  2. Track dashboard metrics: Check the jmx.kafka.connect.mirror.record_count metric. If MirrorMaker 2 stops adding records to a topic, this metric will show a flat line, indicating no new records are being replicated.

  3. Retrieve the latest messages using kt: Use the kt tool to fetch the latest messages from all partitions. Run the following command:

    kt consume -auth ./mykafka.conf \
    -brokers \
    -topic topicname -offsets all=newest:newest | \
    jq -c -s 'sort_by(.partition) | .[] | \
    {partition: .partition, value: .value, timestamp: .timestamp}'