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Configuration backups for Aiven for Apache Kafka®

Aiven for Apache Kafka® includes configuration backups that automatically back up key service configurations at no additional cost.

By eliminating the need for manual reconfiguration, Aiven for Apache Kafka® configuration backups streamline disaster recovery and service restoration. This ensures a reliable way to restore your service configurations after an incident or when powering off/on your service, saving you valuable time and resources.

What is backed up

Configuration backups cover the following components of your Aiven for Apache Kafka service:

  • Apache Kafka topics configurations: Including related configuration parameters such as retention time and number of partitions.
  • Apache Kafka users and ACLs: User permissions and access control lists are included.
  • Schema Registry data: Including schema definitions, schema IDs, configurations (such as compatibility level), subjects, and subject versions.
  • Apache Kafka Connect configurations: Includes all related settings.

How backups work

  • Automatic backups: Backups are enabled by default and stored in cloud storage every 3 hours.
  • Encryption: Backups are encrypted for security, preventing direct access by users.
  • Automatic restoration and configuration retention: Configuration backups are automatically restored (using the latest backup) after a power off/on cycle. This ensures your service configurations are retained and ready for use.


While configuration backups offer significant benefits, there are some limitations:

  • No data backups: Configuration backups do not include the actual data stored in topics, consumer groups, and their offsets. Only the cluster configurations are backed up.
  • Latest backup restoration: Restoration is always from the latest backup available. You cannot choose a specific backup for restoration.

Additional support

For additional support with configuration backups for your Aiven for Apache Kafka® services, contact