Formats for Aiven for ClickHouse® - Aiven for Apache Kafka® data exchange
When connecting Aiven for ClickHouse® to Aiven for Apache Kafka® using Aiven integrations, data exchange is possible with the following formats only:
Format name | Notes |
Avro | Binary Avro format with embedded schema. Libraries and documentation: |
AvroConfluent | Binary Avro with schema registry. Requires the Karapace Schema Registry to be enabled in the Kafka service. |
CSV | Example: 123,"Hello" |
JSONASString | Example: {"x":123,"y":"hello"} |
JSONCompactEachRow | Example: [123,"Hello"] |
JSONCompactStringsEachRow | Example: ["123","Hello"] |
JSONEachRow | Example: {"x":123,"y":"hello"} |
JSONStringsEachRow | Example: {"x":"123","y":"hello"} |
MsgPack | Example: {\\xc4\\x05hello . Libraries and documentation: |
Parquet | Binary parquet format. Libraries and documentation: |
TSKV | Example: x=123\ty=hello |
TSV | Example: 123\thello |
TabSeparated | Example: 123\thello |