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Set up Aiven for ClickHouse® data service integrations

Connect your Aiven for ClickHouse® service with another Aiven-managed service or external data source to make your data available in the Aiven for ClickHouse service.


Read about data service integration types and methods available with Aiven for ClickHouse® in Aiven for ClickHouse® data service integration.


Create data service integrations

  1. Log in to the Aiven Console, and go to an organization and a project.

  2. From Services, select an Aiven for ClickHouse service to integrate with a data source.

  3. In the service Overview, go to Data pipeline.

    • To create the first integration for that service, click Add data source.
    • To add an integration for that service, click .

    As a result, the Data service integrations wizard opens, showing a list of all data sources available for integration. If there are no data sources to integrate with, create an Aiven-managed service or an integration endpoint by clicking Create service or Add external endpoint respectively.

  4. Depending on your use case, continue as instructed in either Integrate with Aiven-managed services or Integrate with external data sources.

Integrate with Aiven-managed services

You can integrate either with a new Aiven-managed service or with an existing Aiven-managed services:

To create an integration with a new service in the Data service integrations wizard:

  1. Unselect all available data Service types.
  2. Click Create service.
  3. Set up the new service.
  4. Come back to your Aiven for ClickHouse service ( Overview > Data pipeline > Add data source), and create an integration to the newly created service following the Integrate with an existing service tab.

Integrate with external data sources

For integration with external data sources, Aiven for ClickHouse offers two methods:

To create an integration with an external data source in the Data service integrations wizard:

  1. Select Service types of an external data source to integrate with. See supported data source types for supported service types.

  2. Select an external Data service of the chosen type from the list of services available for integration, and click Continue.

  3. Select an integration method, either Managed databases or Managed credentials, and click Continue.

  4. Integrate with managed databases or with managed credentials:

    The managed databases integration uses databases engines and, when enabled, automatically creates databases in your Aiven for ClickHouse, where you can ingest your external data.

    1. Select Managed databases, and click Continue.

    2. Click Add databases to have custom databases created along with the integration, or click Enable without databases to integrate with no custom databases created.


      If you choose to have databases created automatically, you can query them using a statement similar to the following:

      SELECT *

View data service integrations

  1. Log in to the Aiven Console, and go to an organization and a project.
  2. From Services, select an Aiven for ClickHouse service to display integrations for.
  3. In the service Overview, go to Data pipeline and find your integrations grouped according to service types.
  4. Click next to a particular service group to preview active data service integrations within that group.

Stop data service integrations

  1. Log in to the Aiven Console, and go to an organization and a project.
  2. From Services, select an Aiven for ClickHouse service you want to stop integrations for.
  3. In the service Overview, go to Data pipeline and click next to a service group that the integration to be stopped belongs to.
  4. From the Active data service integrations list, select the service integration that you no longer need, and click Disconnect integration.
  5. Evaluate the impact of disconnecting from a service explained in Warning, and click Disconnect integration if you accept erasing all the databases and configuration information.

As a result, your integration is terminated and all the corresponding databases and configuration information are deleted.

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